Chapter 7- The Grounding

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One week later-

I was only one week into my grounding and I was missing everything about Ross, I slept in one of his old tshirts so I wouldn’t forget how he smelled.

‘Why did my dad have to care so much?’ I thought. If only he didn’t care so much so that I could do whatever I want. Zoe and Braden were good at passing along messages from Ross every couple of days, but he was under pretty tight lockdown from the stories Zoe had told me.

“He isn’t even allowed to leave his room except for meals and bathroom, Stormie and Mark are really disappointed…”

“Oh great,” I felt as if I had ruined everything, “they all probably hate me and think I’m a bad influence on him or something.”

“No, actually it’s the opposite,” Braden came into my room, “I guess Ross has had a few run-ins with the cops because Mark was yelling at him saying that he’s tainting you.”

“Tainting me?” I asked. “What the hell does that mean?”

“I don’t know, but there’s something he isn’t telling you.”

“I’m sure he just didn’t want me to think less of him, I’ll ask him when I get off grounding and we’ll talk about it. There’s no use in me getting mad at him right now. All I can honestly think about is how much I love and miss him.” I curled up on my bed and groaned, “I think I need to be alone.”

Zoe and Braden left, and I drifted off to sleep…

“Kat! Wake up!” I heard a familiar voice calling from far away.

I answered it with a groan, “five more minutes,” I mumbled.

“Katrina!” The voice was closer now and it sounded like Ross.

I snapped up in my bed and there was my tan, muscular, blonde boyfriend sitting on my bed. “Miss me?”

I squealed and he hushed me, “MISSED YOU?!” I whisper-yelled, “OF COURSE I MISSED YOU, BABY!!” I hugged and kissed him. Something was different though, when I kissed him, it felt just like the first time we kissed. I got butterflies. I missed that feeling.

“How are things?”

“Uneventful, which only makes me miss you more.”

“I miss you too, baby. I promise this next week will go by fast, but you’ve got to be patient.”

“I will be.” I smiled and he kissed me.

“I have to go now, but I just wanted to see your beautiful face to get me through. I love you.”

“I love you too, but wait, I have a ques--” I heard loud footsteps outside of my door.

“No time for questions, see you soon.” And then he disappeared off of my balcony.

I fell back on my bed and put the sheets over my head, pretending to sleep when my dad walked in, “Katrina? Katty? Sweetie, I just want to let you know that I think you’re taking this grounding very well. I’ve never given you enough credit for having such a good head on your shoulders, Ross too. I know you’re only human and you make mistakes. I guess I was just trying to keep my little girl a little girl. The point I’m trying to make is that it’s unfair for me to keep you and Ross apart. You can have your phone back in the morning. But as of right now, you’re ungrounded.”

I lept from the covers and squeezed my dad around the waist, “thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!! You wont regret it, promise…. WAIT, does that mean Ross is ungrounded too??”

“Yes, I just got off the phone with Stormie and we agreed it’s what’s best for you two. We’d rather you openly see each other, instead of sneak around.”

“I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, baby girl. You are more and more like your mother everyday.”

And it was in that moment that I saw how sad the look in his eyes was, I knew he missed my mom… everyone did. But he was lonely and seeing me grow up made him realize I’d be out of his reach soon. I figured he needed a companion, maybe even a girlfriend. I was happy, so why couldn’t he be?

“Good night.” I said and laid back down.

I knew it was the start of a good week.



Sorry I haven't written in a while, things are hectic over here. School has started and I'm finally a senior!!

Between school and all the time I've put in with Chamber Choir and Jazz Choir, my freetime is spent doing homework. /:

I promise to write whenever I find time.

As always, let me know what you think.

xoxo, K. ;*

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