Chapter 3- Ross' Surprise

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When Zoe, Braden, and I showed up at the Lynch’s, we were greeted with smiles and hugs from Stormie, “the kids are downstairs in the media room.” She said, pointing to a flight of stairs.

We walked downstairs to find a large room with a projector and screen with mats, blankets, and pillows spread across the floor and on the couch. The walls were a dark shade of red and they had thousands of movies to choose from.

“Hey guys,” Rydel walked in the room wearing her pink footy pajamas, “What movie do you guys wanna watch? We have it down to Goonies and Little Rascals.” she asked as the others came downstairs, also wearing pajamas.

The twins, Rydel, and Ross chose the Goonies; Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and Ratliff all wanted to watch Little Rascals. They argued and then focused their attention on me.

“You’re the tie breaker. What movie do you wanna watch?” Ross asked, getting closer, “the Goonies, right? It’s obviously the better movie.” He winked but was then pushed out of the way by Rocky and Riker, who began chanting “Little Rascals! Little Rascals!”

“Um,” I thought for a second as my face got red, it was a lot of pressure because I didn’t want it to seem like I was just choosing a side based the people that had chosen the movie… “The Goonies, of course. It’s been my favorite movie since I was little. Sorry guys.”

I was then surrounded by Zoe, Braden, Rydel, and Ross as they were chanting my name. “Ka-trina! Ka-trina!” they cheered in unison as Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and Ratliff slumped into their seats with defeat.

“Okay,” Rydel laughed “can we start the movie now?”

We all laid out around the room, but for some reason Ross stayed by my side the whole time, and not to lie… I didn’t mind. Not one bit.


“Eighteen, nineteen, TWENTY!!! Here I come!” I yelled as I ran into the wooded area to the left of my house.

It was our third week living by the Lynches and everyday was spent with them, they included us in all of their daily activities; we went on boat rides, learned how to surf, and even went to band rehearsals with them. Ross and I had become best friends, we were completely inseparable. I knew him like the back of my hand and he knew me even better than my dad. I noticed he was had been acting weird a week earlier but just brushed it off, not thinking anything of it. Maybe he was just sleep deprived, I thought, they had been having non-stop band rehearsals to prepare for their upcoming show…

Anyway, I ran into the woods began looking for my friends, I found everyone and was still looking for Ross, I sent everyone back to the house so that I could find him. Damn, he was good. I got to a large tree with a hole big enough to hide a person and looked around, before I knew it someone grabbed me by the hand and pulled me behind the tree. Before I could scream, they covered my mouth and told me to be quiet. I opened my eyes and realized it was Ross. “Come with me.” he said, leading me out of the woods and down to the beach. “Now, close your eyes and follow me.” He said, smiling.

“Why?” I asked, wondering what the others would think when I didn’t come back to the house where they were waiting for Ross and I.

“Don’t you trust me?” I mean, I had only known him for a couple of weeks but I did trust him, I trusted him with my life.

“Well, yeah. But--”

“Then close your eyes,” I closed my eyes, then he took my hand, “And follow me.”

We walked down the beach pretty far when he had me stop.

“Okay, open your eyes.”

When I opened my eyes, I saw a little cave. It wasn’t very deep, but it was deep enough for two people to comfortably sit in it and look over the ocean. I was in shock. Why did he bring me here? Me of all people. Was it our new found friendship? Was this why he was acting so strange? Did he like me? Did he know that I had liked him?

I had so many unanswered questions, I was dizzy and confused.

“So, do you like it? I’ve never brought anyone here before, so you better feel special.”

I was completely shocked at the fact he had brought me here, and the fact he hadn’t ever brought anyone else. Again, why me?

“You’re probably wondering why I invited you here, well it’s because getting to know you these last few weeks has been great. You’re my best friend, I feel at home with you.“ He said nervously, running his fingers through his hair before he walked toward me and pulled me close, almost like he was going to kiss me “I love the way you make me feel. But I’m not sure exactly what that feeling is, I feel like it isn’t a just friendship but that it’s something more. What do you think?”

“I… I don’t know…. I haven’t thought about it much.” I was lying.

“Oh..” He looked disappointed and let go of my waist. “Maybe we should go then, I’m sorry I brought you here.”

He started to leave when I yelled, “WAIT. Ross, I was lying, I’ve thought about it. Yes, I like you but I don’t know if its worth losing a friendship.”

“We’ll never know if we don’t try, Kat.” He said, walking toward me. “I’m willing to give it a shot if you are.”

I just walked up to him and hugged him. “Of course I’m willing to give it a shot, Ross.. So what now?” I asked as we got back to our little spot.

“Let’s just stay here for a little while.” His words were muffled in the crook of my neck. We stood there, hugging each other for a while.

When we finally separated and sat in our cave, I called Zoe to let her know that I wouldn’t be coming back to the house for a little and that there was nothing to worry about.

She answered the phone, sounding quite annoyed, “Where the hell are you?? We‘ve been waiting at the house for you and Ross for over thirty minutes, Ryland and Riker even went looking for you two.”

“Oh crap! I’m sorry! Um… funny story, I’ll fill you in later.”

“Okay, when do you think you’ll be home?”

I looked at Ross and caught him staring at me, his face close to mine, “I’m not sure…”

“Well okay then, I’ll see you later. Love you.”

“I love you too, Zoe.”

I hung up the phone and Ross knocked me over with a hug, “Can’t we just stay like this forever?”

“What is this, exactly?” I gestured to him cuddling me in our small cave on the beach.

“This is… the start of something big.”

“But what exactly?”

“I don’t know, but while we figure it out… please say you’ll stay. No matter how difficult this gets, just promise we’ll try.” He looked at me with a fire in his eyes, I could tell he cared for me so much and I was falling for him fast and hard.

“I promise. We’re in this together.” I said as I held my pink up. We pinky swore on it and laid in the cave together for a while.

The sun was starting to set, I noticed the tide was coming in and we should probably have started heading home, so I began getting up when he stopped me. “Hold on.” He said, “The timing is almost perfect.”

“Timing for what?” I asked turning to face him, and as soon as I did, he pulled me in and kissed me for the first time. It wasn’t forced or uncomfortable in any way, he was gentle and sweet, it was the perfect first kiss.

“Now we can go.” He said smiling. He took my hand and kissed me again before walking back home.


Sorry it's so late, I had a lot of corrections to do. A BIG S/O to @LucylovesR5!! You are the sweetest. Thank you for being a loyal reader. :)

This song, First Day of my Life by Bright Eyes, is a song for when Ross first kisses Katrina. She realizes that she needs him in her life and is falling for him. <3

Again, if you're reading this, let me know what you think. Your feedback will help me out a LOT.

-Kiara <3

Say You'll Stay (A Ross Lynch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now