Chapter 2- New Bonds

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“I’d like you to meet the Lynch family. This is Mark, his wife Stormie and their kids Riker, Rydel, Rocky, Ryland, their friend Ratliff, and Ross. These are my kids Katrina and the twins, Zoe and Braden.” My dad said, introducing us to our new neighbors.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, noticing that they were an extremely attractive family. It was kind of intimidating.

“Nice to meet you, too,” Stormie replied to our awkward hellos, going straight in for a hug, “If you ever need anything, I‘m right next door. I’m looking forward to getting to know you kids, and I’m sure my children are looking forward to getting to know you as well.” Even to this day, I love how warm and inviting she is. She has always been so accepting and kind, I guess that’s why her kids have always been so kind hearted. I swear its contagious.

“So you’re the only brunette in your family?” the one I assumed to be Rocky from earlier introductions, asked me.

“Yeah, I look more like my mom and they twins look more like my dad so I’m the only brunette.”

“Oh, okay. Sorry about your mom, by the way. Your dad filled us in before you came down. But I definitely feel your pain, although brunettes are the best.” Rocky smiled and flipped his brown hair around before my brother walked over and started talking about surfing to Rocky. They were pretty into the conversation so I excused my self before all the guys huddled together and started talking. While the guys talked about sports and Rydel and Zoe talked about all the cute boys that would be at school, I was determined to get the rest of my boxes into my room so they could be unpacked. I had so many cool ideas for how to decorate it and since we owned the house it could be painted anyway I liked. No one noticed me slip away so I grabbed the last three boxes and stacked them, knowing I could probably balance them long enough to get to my room. As I picked them up and walked through the doorway, they started to wobble, they would have fallen over if it weren’t for Ross taking the top box.

“Need help?” He asked.

“Oh you don’t have to, I could probably take another trip, its not a big deal.” I said, realizing I couldn’t hold these heavy boxes for much longer, they were getting heavier by the second.

“I insist, let me take another,” He took the second box and I noticed his biceps: flex, tan, and toned. “not too heavy… where to?”

I snapped out of it, “Um, follow me.” We walked up to my room and set the boxes, “Thank you, so much.” I smiled.

“It’s really no problem, do you need help painting or anything? I suggest you do that before you start unpacking…”

“Yeah, I was thinking about running to the store to get some paint, but my car isn’t here yet, it wont be dropped off until tomorrow.”

“Maybe I could take you? I have nothing better to do. Besides, you need someone to help you paint in here, it’s a big room. We can get to know each other, neighbor.” He said with a wink.

I noticed my face get red. “Sure, I’d like that. Ross, right?”

“Right. Katrina, right?”

“Right.” Instead of an awkward silence, I noticed it was quite comfortable which was strange since I had just met him. He started walking around my room and studying it like he had never been in here before.

“You know, this room has a balcony.” Yup, he’s definitely been here before.

“No way, really?”

“Yeah, its honestly the best room in the house… and its right across from my room.” He said with a smirk, pointing to the other balcony right across the way.

“That’s so rad! I knew I was the best at picking rooms.” I winked at him.

We sat on the balcony and he turned towards me and said: “Tell me about yourself.”

“What is there to tell? My name is Katrina, I’m 16, and obviously a girl.” I giggled.

He laughed. “How about we play twenty questions?”

“Sure, what do you want to know?”

“Are you a morning or a night person?”

“Night, definitely!”

“If you could be any animal, what would you choose to be?”

“Umm, I think I’d be a Giraffe. They’re so awesome,”

“Their eyelashes are so long!” He laughed really hard, “What your idea of the perfect date…?”

Ross and I stayed and chatted for a little, the conversation changed and we talked mostly about how I would decorate my room and if I knew what colors of paint I wanted. We decided to pick up paint that night and start painting the next morning.

Side by side, we walked down stairs and outside so we could go get some paint.


At Lowe’s, we looked at paint samples until I decided on mint green, cream, and that black chalkboard paint; colors that Ross called boring(Except for the blackboard paint because I promised him that he could write on my wall first). After we bought the paint, I walked to the entrance when Ross grabbed me by the waist. “We aren’t done at Lowe’s quite yet. Follow me.”

We ran through the isles and played house with the doors, knocking on them and pretending I was a housewife. We got to the windows and pretended that I Juliet and he was Romeo. Then we went to the refrigerators and loudly expressed our opinions so everyone could hear. Once we looked at the time, we realized we were in the store for two and a half hours so we headed for home.

When we got back, the adults were still talking and laughing, it was nice to see my dad warm up to people. My siblings and I were invited to go swimming with the Lynch kids. It was a gigantic pool and I was excited to go for a swim. After digging through a couple of boxes, I finally found my cute blue and white polka dot bikini which I threw on. I was the last one there, and when I got over to the group Riker said, “You’re partners with Ross, we’re playing chicken.”

“Okay sounds fun,” I noticed a pause, “Well? What are we waiting for?”

“I need to wet my hair first,” Riker exclaimed, and then I remembered that blondes need to wet their hair before getting into a chlorinated pool or else their hair would turn green. But like Rocky, I was the only person in my family with brown hair so we didn’t need to worry about that.

After all the blondes wet their hair we were all jumping into the pool, and it was finally time to play chicken.

“So, we’re partners?” Ross asked.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m good.” I smiled.

“Good, because I don’t like to lose.” He winked. And with that he went under and got me on his shoulders.

We played six games undefeated, “We’re unstoppable!” He said, dancing around and rubbing it in everyone’s face.

We spent the rest of the day alternating between sun bathing and showing off our best poolside dives, it was the most fun I had ever had with neighbors.

When it got dark, they invited us over to watch a few movies and stay for a sleepover, which my dad undoubtedly said yes to. It was easy to tell that he was proud to keep us here, it actually felt like home from day one.


Again, thanks for reading. Please spread the word and let me know what you think! :)

-Kiara <3

Oh&The youtube video on the side is one of my favorite songs. Island in the sun is a good song for the first time Ross and Katrina first meet. Isn't it so cute?!

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