Bay's Outfit-
Audrey's Outfit-
As we we're sitting down in the mall, I lay my head on Rocky's shoulder deep in thought. I felt so safe in his arms.. I obviously have feelings for him and I'm pretty sure he knows that. We act like a couple sometimes, but I don't really know what we are. He's just been my cool rockstar best friend for a while, I rarely think about us being a couple.That's not what I was stressed out about though... I think it's my fault Ryan's cutting again... I said some pretty harsh words to him that maybe weren't entirely true...
"Hey Aud, can I talk to you in the bathroom?" I say ask Audrey.
"Yeah sure" she said as we got up from our seats. When we entered the bathroom I waited until it was empty to talk to her.
"I think it's my fault that Ryan's cutting, yesterday I was kind of unintentionally being rude, I was just so angry that I yelled at him and now I regret it so much" I admitted to her.
"No Bay, it's not your fault"she reassured me.
"But you don't know what I said, I told himthat the friendship was over because I felt like he didn't care about us and he told me that we're all he had left so that he wouldn't cut and I told him not to cut but then I just left and..." I started saying before she cut me off.
"Hey, you were just saying how you felt, and I know you don't want him to lose him as a friend, just tell him that you still care" she said.
"Yeah but I did tell him I still cared. I was really mad at the time so I said he didn't care and then I just walked away. I didn't mean everything I said, but he made me so furious when he said that 'it wasn't his fault that I was in love with him'... I WAS in love with him." I told her honestly a little annoyed. "Still, I don't know if he'll forgive me."
"He'll forgive you Bay, you didn't do anything wrong you were hurt and honestly I can't believe he said that" Audrey said making me feel better.
"Me neither" I agreed.
"Well we should probably get back to the boys, they might worried about us" she said.

In Our Crazy Minds ( IOM Series:Book 1) (Completed)
Teen FictionBay Evans is 20, 5"9, brunette (mostly black), crème skin, likes Rocky Lynch, Neon Pink, Lime Green (played by Vanessa Morgan) Audrey Blake is 21, 5"2, Chestnut (blonde ombre), pale skin, likes Riker Lynch, Navy Blue, Lime Green (played by Lucy Ha...