Hey Audrey Here for the first chapter!!!!
Audrey's POV
"Bay I don't know if Ryan's going to show up" I say.
"Aud don't doubt Ryan, it's our first performance he won't miss it" Bay says trying to calm me down.
"But, considering he's an hour late makes me think he's not coming, after he promised me" I confess to her.
"He promised you, he must really like you" Bay says.
"Bay if he cared he would be here, now we've delayed the concert an hour, let's get this started..
Hey Auday's" Bay and I say into our microphones. "Tonight is our first LIVE show who's pumped for some awesome music!" I say. The fans go wild."Okay so tonight we're going to start with one of our favorite songs by our favorite band R5, which may we include we're going on tour with them soon" Bay says.
"So let's get LOUD" I say.
20 minuets after the concert
"I can't believe he stood us up" I say with tears threatening to escape my eyes.
"Shhhhh Aud it's okay, he's a jerk, I've known that for awhile" Bay says. My tears pour out as I cry into her shoulder. Suddenly Ryan comes rushing in and sees me crying.
"Woah what happened in here?" he asks giggling.
"What happened? That's the question I should be asking you" I yell.
"Woah calm yourself Aud" he says.
"Don't play dumb with me Ryan, you promised me you would be here. I thought this was going to be different, I thought you could actually pull through for me, after I've pulled through for you many times" I say with tears falling from my eyes.
"I'm sorry" he says trying to hug me.
"No Ryan you've said sorry too many times before and I've had enough of this, I'm sorry I'm done, we're over" I tell him.
"Please Audrey, I'm really sorry" Ryan says.
"What do you mean 'really sorry', isn't that what you always say?" I ask.
"Don't do this to me, I love you" he tells me and I widen my eyes in shock.
"Well you should've thought about that a long time ago" I say.
"Go away" Ryan says.
"How dare you say that to me!" I say walking out the door leading to the alley.
"Audrey what happened" Riker asks me (they're roomates)(Yes its Riker Anthony Lynch).
"Riker it's a long story and I just broke up with Ryan" I say wiping my tears.
"Awwww sweety come here" Riker says and hugs me close to him.
"I love you Aud" he says.
"I love you too dude" I say. (we really do say ILY but not as a couple).
"I mean it" he say.
"I mean it too bro" I say.
"No Audrey I love you as I mean, I know it's not a good time, but I want you to be my girlfriend" he says.
"Riker I-" he cuts me off by putting a finger over my lips and hushing me.
Okay so I hoped you liked my chapter!!!!!
Love you all Audays!

In Our Crazy Minds ( IOM Series:Book 1) (Completed)
Novela JuvenilBay Evans is 20, 5"9, brunette (mostly black), crème skin, likes Rocky Lynch, Neon Pink, Lime Green (played by Vanessa Morgan) Audrey Blake is 21, 5"2, Chestnut (blonde ombre), pale skin, likes Riker Lynch, Navy Blue, Lime Green (played by Lucy Ha...