Hello it's me, I was wondering if after all this time your ready for this chapter? Haha! -Audrey
Bay just found me.
"I don't know what to do" I confess to Ryan.
"Audrey I don't know either but, all I know right now is that I love and I never want to leave you" Ryan says.
"I love you too Ryan" I say and kiss him.
I hear footsteps and I pull away and look up to Riker.
"Riker I can explain" I say tears in my eyes.
"Audrey it's clear you love him I understand, I'm here when you need me" Riker says.
"Riker I'm sorry I really am" I say and hug Riker.
"Yeah I am too and I'm not going to make you something you don't feel for me" Riker says and pulls away.
Riker, I'm sorry too Ryan says looking at Riker.
"It's not your fault your in love with her" Riker says and turns around and leaves.
I hug Ryan and kiss him.
"I need you Audrey" he says in between the kisses.
Ryan picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
Ryan carries me to his apartment.
We get in and he puts me down and slams me against the door locking it.
I kiss him roughly and jump up onto him again.
He carries me upstairs to the bedroom.
He lays down on his bed and I crawl on top of him.
I kiss him (hard core make out).
I jump at the sound of my phone ringing. I pull away from Ryan and pull out my phone.
"Hello?" I answer.
"I can't believe you" a voice says.
"Bay" I ask.
"What?" she asks.
"It's kind of not the time" I say.
"YOU KNOW WHAT" she yells.
"Bay volume" I say.
"Go enjoy your f*ck boy" she says and hangs up.
I put my phone on his desk. I sit in a chair and cry into my hands.
"Baby come here" Ryan says with his arms wide open. I run into them and cry.
"What's wrong baby" he asks lifting my face to himself.
"Bay hates me" I say crying harder.
"Come on, no she doesn't" he says.
"Yes she does, she called you a f*ck boy for me being with you" I say.
"I don't care what she says, I LOVE YOU and You know that" Ryan says holding me in his arms.
"But, Ryan she's like a sister to me" I say.
"Just giver her some space and let her think" he says.
"I think you're right" I say and lay on him.
"Let's get some sleep" he says.
"Yeah good night, I love you" I say and kiss him.
"Good night beautiful, I love you more" he says and holds me.
Early chapter for Friday

In Our Crazy Minds ( IOM Series:Book 1) (Completed)
Fiksi RemajaBay Evans is 20, 5"9, brunette (mostly black), crème skin, likes Rocky Lynch, Neon Pink, Lime Green (played by Vanessa Morgan) Audrey Blake is 21, 5"2, Chestnut (blonde ombre), pale skin, likes Riker Lynch, Navy Blue, Lime Green (played by Lucy Ha...