Chapter 7: Sweet Dreams

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Anna sat up from the bed and looked around the plain darkness of her room, reaching out her sight in the dark. It was almost in the middle of the night when she was awoken by the sound of something crashing down against the floor in a loud thud.

From the corner of her eye, something moved. Instinctively, she turned her head, eyebrows furrowing and eyes searching the blurry darkness of the night. Slipping her feet underneath the warm covers of the bed, she carefully stood up on the floor.

"Luna?" she called. "Come here, little girl."

As she was searching, her memories went back to the kitten. Earlier that day, when she had gotten home after being ditched by her cousins, she immediately introduced Luna to her Grandmother and proceeded cleansing the kitten afterwards. After dinner, she fed the kitten and brought it inside her room. It was only that night that she actually felt like she had someone to talk to and share her feelings with. For the first time in forever, she felt as if she had a true friend.

Carefully walking towards the wall to turn on the lights, Anna reached out her hands in the dark. But as she was about to touch the surface, she was suddenly pushed against the wall. The force pushed her against the edge. Her back slammed against the flat surface of the wall and a warm body pressed against her, strong arms bracing around her, leaving no chance for her to escape.

She gasped but her scream was silenced by a large hand tightly covering her mouth. Eyes widened in fear and horror, she tried to make out who the intruder was but her eyes failed to do so. All she sought out was the shadow of a man.

A strong hand grasped her wrists as she struggled to get free from the man's grip. But it was no use. He was obviously stronger. She could feel his strength flowing through the warmth of his skin and through the defined muscles of his arms. As she tried to push him, the heat of his body pressed harder against her until she found herself breathless, butterflies swimming inside her belly. Until then, she began to lose her strength. Her arms stopped fighting and she involuntarily calmed down around his hold.

Seeming to sense that she had no strength to fight anymore against his hold, the man put her hands above the warm skin of his bare muscular chest. Only then did she realize, a half-naked man (wearing basketball shorts) was pushing her against the wall. With no space between them!

Her hands weakly pushed his chest as he pressed harder almost pushing her through the other side of the wall. She heard his heavy breathing above her head and she felt like he was inhaling her. Did her shampoo smell too sweet?

Her face was pressed stuck on the man's neck and she could feel his naked chest heaving against her breasts. She did not wear any bra!

His head moved down and his breath tickled the side of her neck. "Don't scream," his deep voice murmured in her ear, its sound commanding her soul as she felt it tickling her insides.

His hand slowly let go of her mouth and she did not scream. She stayed quiet as if forced for somehow.

"Good girl."

She looked up at him, her eyes trying to figure out his face but it was dark. His bare warm arms and chest were burning her to the very core and she felt like she wanted more of the feeling.

His face was so close that she could hardly breathe. His warm breath brushed against her face. And his eyes, those pretty eyes, although in the dark, she felt like she could see through him. She watched in awe as his head bent down and his lips slowly descended down her parted lips.

She was frozen. As their lips crashed, she felt though as if lightning struck her and that time ceased and that Mother Earth stopped revolving around the sun. Her hands stilled above his bare muscular chest and her arms settled around the touch of his strong arms surrounding her waist, his large warm hands stroking the soft skin of her waist under her thin shirt. She barely even registered the fact that she was only in her underwear!

Just like that, his lips touched hers, ever soft and gentle. Then it moved, slowly caressing her soft red lips. His tongue sought out to taste the sweetness of her lips then stroked the inside of her mouth. Only then she realized, she was savoring the taste of his lips and that she was moving along with his control.

A moan involuntarily escaped from her throat and she instantly felt the heat rising up her cheeks. Her hands fell down his bare stomach as she unknowingly caressed the muscles of his abdomen, feeling the physical contact burning her.

She felt the heavy weight of her head as she was being pushed against the wall. His lips ravished hers, tongues brushing and stroking. She felt giddy. His hands were pulling her body, pulling her closer to him, and she felt like she was melting against him.

She hadn't kissed a guy before. Not as deep as this. Not as steamy as this.

The kiss was wonderful. She felt like the feelings were so foreign yet so mutual. It was strange. Was it stupid of her? She didn't even know him but she already felt like he was a part of her that she hadn't discovered in a long while.

Who is he?

Breathless, she pulled back heaving. His lips never stopped though. It descended down her neck, his tongue licking and tasting the sweetness of her skin. Absentmindedly, her eyes closed dreamily as she gingerly snaked her hands through the ends of his hair, stroking its softness. His lips savored the fading swelling bruises painted upon her neck and shoulders. In fact, she let it happen. She savored it. She melted upon the feelings and sensations. She accepted him.

Within seconds, she was lifted off the ground as his arms lifted her bare delicate thighs and wrapped them around his hips. He brought their lips together in a deep kiss as she clung to him, her arms holding onto him tightly like a kitten, hands wrapping around his bare shoulders, and legs wrapping around his hips. She felt the fabric of his shorts brushing against her legs.

His lips trailed down the side of her neck as she threw her head back moaning. She stiffened once his lips sucked and licked. No doubt she would end up having love bites all over her neck. But the thought never crossed her mind. Because the moment she was pulled off the wall, she was slammed on the surface of her bed, her thoughts vanishing in three seconds as the man covered her mouth in a deep kiss.

She moaned, her hands caressing the defined muscles of his abdomen. His strong arms braced around her. He settled himself between her legs as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, swallowing the sounds of her whimpers. His hands brushed the soft skin of her thighs, stroking up and down, back and forth.

Her eyes snapped open once her thin shirt was ripped off her. "No," she whimpered.

She heard a growl and for a moment, she shook. She felt naked and so vulnerable. Even in the dark, she felt like his eyes were burning her. But her eyes fell closed as his lips descended, trailing down her breasts. He sucked her bosoms, his teeth slightly grazing against her skin. She embraced it.

As he went down her navel, her sweet scent flooded his nostrils. Then her underwear was ripped off her. And he ate her. He sucked. He licked. Until her moans turned to screams. Until she was gripping the covers of her bed. Until her release shattered her into shreds and brought her to ecstasy that he had to bring her back down to Earth.

Inhaling her sweet scent, he softly kissed her core and breathed her in. When she calmed down, he hovered above her and gave her a lazy hazy kiss. He kissed the side of her neck and heard her even breathing, knowing she was falling asleep. He pulled back slightly to gaze at her peacefully closed eyes, admiring her beauty and innocence.

"Sweet dreams, Princess," he murmured. She softly moaned her response. He sighed and kissed her forehead as she fell into a deep slumber.

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