Chapter 18: Diana

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Without second thoughts, she grabbed the undergarment that rested underneath his bed and stormed her way out of his room, feet grumpily stomping on the ground as if to signify her confusion and anger as she roughly closed the door behind her.

She didn't really have any idea where she was going. And she didn't realize that she was practically a walking half-naked girl in only a large shirt and with a bra in her hand, which looked kind of pathetic if you'll ask me. It looked like she was holding her own undergarment. But she didn't think of this. Not when she was blinded by many possible reasons and thoughts that were floating in her mind.

She walked downstairs bare feet and saw Zach down there talking with someone. She took a deep frustrated breath once she saw his freshly handsome face. But she couldn't hide it to herself or even to him. She was angry..and confused. He was within meters but he seemed so far away. And she couldn't reach him. She was clouded with thoughts. Many thoughts.

When she reached the foot of the staircase, she saw him enter a room. She didn't second guess herself in following him so she did. Gripping the undergarment she had in her hand, she strided towards the closed door and opened it.

It was his office, she realized almost immediately. He was sitting behind a desk, busy doing something on his table. His delicious chest was shown in view for anyone to see. And it made her possessive for somehow even though she wasn't sure if there was someone else inside the room to see other than the two of them. His hair was a beautiful mess, which clearly said he just came from his bed..from her.

She saw the way his eyes flickered from one document to the other. He bit his bottom lip, eyebrows furrowing and loosening. For a moment, she was distracted by those sinful lips. The way he tugged his bottom lip under his teeth made her want to shudder from the inside, knowing how he could be very possessive and dominating in bed.

But she quickly drew back herself to why she was there in the first place. Her eyes instantly went rage, seeing red. She angrily approached the front of his table, not making a sound of warning or anything. Although, she wished she had the urge to wear heels so he could hear the clicking sound of her angry feet. Just to show him she could be deadly as she could be angelic.

She stopped, steadying her ground, and waited for him to notice her presence. And when he did, when his eyes gazed up at her and instantly brightened, when the corner of his lips lifted cheekily, when his smirk almost made her melt on her feet, she gathered her strength not to be weak and threw the black sexy undergarment on his face.

It was hard for her. She almost wished she didn't do it.

It fell down his lap like how an autumn leaf would fall helplessly on the ground.

And there was a moment of silence.

She watched patiently as he looked down at the undergarment and looked up at her completely entirely and utterly confused. He stood up abruptly as the undergarment fell down his feet.


"Zach, are you gay?" she asked, eyes looking innocently into his eyes.

There was a shocked and completely what-the-fück-is-happening-in-this-world look in his eyes. She couldn't understand it. He looked down at the piece of undergarment at his feet then up at her, slowly putting the pieces of the puzzle together. He looked at her face and at the black shirt she wore, realizing just then how beautiful she looked in his shirt.

Without words at all, he rounded the table and walked towards her in seconds. Watching his large strides as he approached her, she felt scared for a moment. Before she could process everything, however, she squealed once he suddenly grabbed her thin waist and threw her over his shoulder, äss hanging in the air.

"Zach!" she gasped, completely not warned from the sudden act. But all she saw was his naked muscular back and basketball shorts. "Zach, put me down!" She wiggled from his hold, feeling his strong arms embracing her and his hands touching her at certain sensitive parts. Not to mention she wasn't wearing any underwear. But thank God his shirt reached down her thighs.

Not listening to her protests, he carried her out of the room and went upstairs and back to his bedroom. He threw her on the bed and quickly crawled above her. Holding her hands above her head, he intertwined their fingers and locked her delicate legs around his hips.

Leaning his head close to her, their noses touched as he looked deep into her eyes. She glared at him. "There's no need to be jealous," he said knowingly.

She scoffed. "I'm not--"

He kissed her. She couldn't admit it but she was jealous. Even as he kissed her, tongue licking her lips, she denied him entrance, keeping her lips closed. He growled in frustration and grounded his hips into her, thrusting into her core and knowing she's naked underneath. She gasped at the force, pleasure taking over her body in a blink and lips parting. With that open access, he quickly explored her mouth in a deep punishing kiss.

She sighed into the kiss. And couldn't help but submit to him. She kissed him back in an angry pace and then bit down hard at his bottom lip, almost drawing blood.

He growled at the small bit of pain and kissed down the side of her neck with open mouthed kisses, tongue licking and teeth grazing. "No one," he murmured into her skin. "I want no one but you."

She moaned, eyes closing at the pleasure of his lips.

"I want no one but this body."

He lifted his head and looked at her closed eyes. "Open your eyes," he ordered, fingers gripping her fingers.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, cheeks flaming slightly at his gaze. He brought the back of her hands to his lips and lovingly kissed her fingers.

He looked at her. "You're mine, Kitten. As I'm yours."

Her heart melted. And she was almost on the edge of crying.

But their precious moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. Once again, he growled lowly and waited for the devil on the other side of the door to speak.

The door was opened slowly, creaking, seemingly on purpose, as a small girl poked her small head inside. "Alpha?" her tiny cute voice rang in the silence of the room.

"What is it, Diana?" asked Zach, impatient.

Diana gazed at the bed with curiosity and found a beautiful girl resting beneath her Alpha. "Who is she?" she asked curiously.

"Diana, why are you here?" asked Zach.

"Uhm." The four year old girl slipped her fingers inside her mouth and bit nervously. "I think I left Mommy's cloth here."

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