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SUMMARY: You'd think three guys fighting over you would be great, but when it's three werewolves it's anything but. What happens when Scott, Isaac and Jackson decide they all want you, only to find out that your heart has already been taken by a certain sour wolf.

PARINGS: Derek/Reader Scott/Reader Isaac/Reader Jackson/Reader


Scott hey" you say once you notice Scott standing by your locker.

"Hey (Y/N)" he says his face instantly brightening up.

"What can I do you for?" You ask, putting your books back into your locker.

"I was just wondering if your going to Lydia's party tonight" Scott says.

"Of course I am, we both know Lydia would kill me if I didn't show up" you tell him chuckling.

"Right, well I was also wondering if you want-" Scott begins before he is interrupted.

"McCall leave (Y/N) alone, she has more pressing things to worry about than your puppy love for her" Jackson says smirking.

"And what pressing things would that be?" You ask Jackson, his smirk then turns into a sly smile.

"That your going to Lydia's party with me" he says.

"Wait what" Isaac says intruding on the conversation.

"Stay out of it Lahey" Jackson says glaring at him.

"Since when?" Scott asks looking at you with his big brown eyes.

"Yeah (Y/N) already agreed to go with me" Isaac says.

"What" both Scott and Jackson say, there eyes burning holes into you.

"No I didn't, I said you could give me a ride" you say suddenly feeling very claustrophobic.

"With what his daddy issues" Jackson says, Isaac growls and his eyes flash gold.

"Woah clam down" Scott says getting in the middle of them, "I think it's best that I give (Y/N) a ride to the party".

"You wish McCall, besides i'm sure she'd much rather sit in my Porsche than Stilinski's crappy Jeep" Jackson says, all three of them then look at you expectantly.

"Why don't I just get a ride from someone else" you say pushing past them and making your way to your next class.

"Good job McCall" you hear Jackson say.


"I honestly don't know what your complaining about, you have three good looking guys fighting over you" Alison says.

"She's right (Y/N), if I was in your place I would be ecstatic" Lydia joins in passing you another dress to try on.

"Well your not" you say through the door, "why do I have to try all of these on?" You ask.

"Because your not coming to my party wearing jeans and a t-shirt, now come out" Lydia says.

"But seriously what is your problem?" Alison asks as you reluctantly come out of the bathroom.

"It's perfect" Lydia says looking you up and down.

"My problem with it is that i'm going to have to pick between them" you tell her.

"Just pick the one your attracted to more" Lydia says sitting down beside Alison on her bed.

"I can't" you tell her.

"Why not?" Alison asks.

"Because they're my friends, I can't choose between them and risk ruining my friendship with them" you tell them.

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