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SUMMARY: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Pack imagine but with a love interest with Stiles where you get really depressed and ignore them for a good week and after a while they finally like break through your parents and get in your room and your just sitting the looking emotionless and silently crying and they try to talk to to you but you don't respond you like don't even look at them and they sit with you.

WARNINGS: Depression, Attempted Suicide.


You don't feel it anymore, the pain, the suffering, the ache in your heart, no you don't feel anything anymore, your numb and you can't decide whether or not that's for the best. The sun shines through your curtains blinding you and on any other day you'd smile happily knowing that the world hadn't totally fallen apart while you were asleep but this isn't like any other day, this day you won't receive a call from her asking whether she should go with the dress or the jeans, this day you won't be greeted by her smile at school, this day is most definitely not like any other day, this day has no Allison Argent.

"(Y/N), get up you'll be late for school" you hear your mother call from downstairs. You lay there staring up at the ceiling wondering if you got up whether you would just fall back down again. Your legs edge their way to the side of the bed, the floor feels foreign under your feet, your not surprised you haven't gotten out of bed for a week, once your standing up you struggle to stay up, your legs wobbling underneath you, "(Y/N) did you hear me?"

"Yeah i'll be down soon" you yell back slowly making your way to the bathroom, you look in the mirror and realise just how horrible you look, your sickly pale, your hair is standing up in every direction and you've got bags under your eyes. You jump under the steaming hot water of the shower and it almost feels good standing there hot water hitting your back the dirt washing away making you clean. It was just a week ago you were standing in this very position scrubbing yourself raw trying to get clean, trying to get her blood off your hands.

"Dress or jeans" you whisper to yourself once your out of the shower, you look down at the choices on your bed, 'remember when you want people to think your okay always go with the dress it shows confidence, plus I guarantee they won't be looking at your face' you remember Lydia words from a few years ago, back when she was popular and when people didn't call her crazy, you listen to those words and pick up the dress.

You layer on make up until you don't look like your dying because you want people to believe your okay you don't want people to know your dying on the inside, you don't want them to know that exactly a week ago today was when your heart shattered into a million pieces and not even a world class heart surgeon could put them back together.

"I made you your favourite" you mother says once you make your way down stairs, she looks at you with a small smile and you know she's trying, she's trying so hard to make everything better, to fix you, but what she doesn't know is the only way to fix you is to bring your best friend back to life, the only way to fix you is with a miracle.

"I'm not hungry" you tell her, your phone then bing's with a message.

STILES: Hey do you want me to pick you up.

"(Y/N) you have to eat something, you haven't touched any food in the past week" she says but your eyes are still glued to the text you just received, Stiles you haven't thought about him for days, you remember when he'd look at you and your heart would stutter, you remember when just being near him made you delirious, you remember when your best friend was alive and everything was okay.

(Y/N): No i'm fine

"I'll eat at school" you tell her picking up your keys.

"Okay, your dress is on the couch" she says giving up, you look over and there it is just lying there it's black material sprayed over the brown fabric of the couch, it all comes rushing back, today is the day that they expect you to say goodbye to your best friend forever.

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