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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I haven't written a (Y/N) one-shot in ages so sorry if it's horrible.

SUMMARY: Imagine Derek coming back to Beacon Hills to find that you have moved on with Theo. When Derek confronts you about this you end up lip locking

CHARACTERS: Derek | Theo | Lydia | Scott | Stiles

PAIRINGS: (Y/N)/Derek | (Y/N)/Theo


You walk hand in hand with Theo, the loft creeping closer with each step you take. You have no idea why Scott still wants to hold the pack meetings here, none of you have seen Derek in months. Just the thought of Derek's name sends mixed emotions through you, mostly anger but somewhere deep inside you can't help but feel sad.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Theo asks you, his voice gentle. That was one thing Derek never was gentle, there were times when he was sweet but he was never gentle.

"Yeah, I just don't like coming here," you tell him, he lightly squeezes your hand and smiles down at you.

Theo slides the rusty door open revealing the pack. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest at the sight of him.

"Derek," you stutter, suddenly very nervous. You stiffen as his eyes land on you, his face softens and his shoulders relax like they always do when he's around you. His eyes travel down to your interlaced hand, his expression changes to something you've never seen before. As if by instinct you quickly drop your hand from Theo's, your boyfriend looks down at you with confusion and hurt.

"What the hell," you harshly whisper, making your way over to Lydia while Theo goes and talks to Scott who just happens to be talking to Derek.

"I tried calling you," Lydia answers, confused to why you're angry at her.

"There is something called texting you know," you tell her, ignoring the feeling of Derek's eyes on you.

"Really, you wanted me to tell you that your ex-boyfriend who broke your heart is back in town by text," Lydia shoots back, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well, it would've been better than finding out this way," you mutter miserably, allowing your eyes to wander back to Derek. You almost cringe when you realize he's glaring at Theo with more intensity that he ever glared at Scott or even Stiles.


You walk silently up the steps to your house while Theo reverses out of the driveway, you don't even bother waving like you usually do, your mind too busy thinking about Derek. The meeting was beyond awkward, you avoided Derek like the plague the whole night forcing yourself not to look at him knowing his eyes were on you and if they weren't they were staring daggers at Theo.

"Derek, what the hell!" you shout in surprise, Derek stands casually in the middle of your room. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk," he tells you. The sound of his voice sends shivers down your spine, he always sounded determined and controlling like it was either his way or the highway.

"What could we possibly have to talk about Derek?" you ask him, sighing with exhaustion you really didn't have the energy to do this right now.

"I think the obvious thing is, what's going on with the Beta?" he says with an edge to his voice, he obviously meant Theo.

"Okay first of all his name Theo and second he's my boyfriend," you tell him, trying to keep the anger that was creeping up out of your voice.

"(Y/N), Stiles says he's bad news," Derek informs you only making you angrier.

"When have you ever listened to a word Stiles has to say?" you ask him.

"When he thinks the bad guy is the guy who's lip locking with my girlfriend," he replies, frustration clear in his voice.

"Don't you mean ex-girlfriend, Derek you left town without even saying goodbye, but you were happy enough to tell Scott you were leaving, not too mention this is the first time I'm hearing from you in months," you tell him, your voice slightly raising. "I don't know about you but I'd say that counts as breaking up."

"(Y/N), if I said goodbye I wouldn't have been able to leave," he tells you, taking a step towards you.

"Oh well, that makes it all better then," you say, your voice dripping with sarcasm. You turn around to avoid his face, tears threaten to fall, you beg yourself to hold it together, you will not allow yourself to cry in front of him.

"(Y/N)," he sighs, reaching out to grab your hand, you move before he can come into contact, knowing you'll give in if he does.

"Derek just go," you tell him, folding your arms in front of you. He lightly grabs your arms and turns you so you're facing him.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry," he says sincerely, his hand cups your face gently, but he's never gentle. You find yourself involuntarily leaning into his touch before you can stop it he's kissing you, you're not even sure you would've stopped it if you did see it coming. The kiss is urgent and like always with Derek, it feels right. His arms loop around your waist holding you against him, you lace your hand in his hair needing more. Theo pops into your mind and it takes all your strength to push Derek away.

"You have no right to do that anymore."

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