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SUMMARY: An imagine where you where in Lydia's place and saw the wolf in the car and stiles visits you to see if your okay. But your high on medicine and you tell Stiles you like him and he was reallllly awkward but says he likes you too.

WARNINGS: Drug use


(Y/N)'S POV:

"Who are you looking for?" Lydia asks standing you field of vision.

"No one just looking around" you tell her knowing she see's straight through the lie.

"Okay be that way, the least you could do is have a drink this is my party after all" she tells you passing you a plastic cup.

"Stiles, that's who i'm looking for" you tell her taking a huge gulp of cheap beer.


"No reason" you say drinking the last out of the beer.

"Oh my god" Lydia says eyes opening wide.

"What?" You ask getting worried.

"You like him, you like Biles" she says folding her arms across her chest.

"Stiles, and no I don't" you tell her, she gives you this look which she knows always makes you surrender, "fine maybe I do, so what?".

"He's weird" she simply says like it answers my question.

"Weird is a lot better than what Jackass had to offer" you say.

"Jackson" she snaps back before strutting off.

"Lydia wait" you call out, you go after her weaving your way through the crowd until you walk make first into someone.

"Woah sorry" the guy who you walked into says, your heart stops when you realise who belongs to the voice.

"Stiles" you say.

"(Y/N) hi, hey, sorry" he says running a hand through his non-existent hair.

"No worries, my fault" you tell him leaning to one foot to the other.

"Well do you wa-" Stiles starts to say before his best friend Scott interrupts.

"Stiles we need to go now" Scott tells Stiles

"What why?" Stiles asks furrowing his brows.

"Stiles" Scott growls before grabbing Stiles arm and dragging him through the crowd, Stiles send you an apologetic look across his shoulder before he goes out of view.

You decide to go after them curiosity getting the best of you, "(Y/N)" Lydia says once again jumping in front of you.

"Lydia not now" you say walking around her.

"(Y/N) what the hell" you hear Lydia shout but you don't stop.


"Scott what are you doing?" I ask while still getting dragged out of Lydia's house, "I finally gained the courage to ask (Y/N) out" I tell him prying myself out his grip, I then notice that were outside.

"We have to go" Scott says with his back to me.

"Are we like just go here" I tell him.

"Stiles I meant it we have to go" Scott says again this time growling, he then turns around which is when I notice that he has completely wolfed out.

"Oh, yeah we should go" I say leading him towards my Jeep, once where inside Scott has no lost the little control he had inside the party, the clawing and thrashing in the passenger seat, "Scott calm down, I can't drive with you like this" I tell him.

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