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SUMMARY: Being new and finding Stiles really cute and one day he asks you out really awkwardly and there's just Lydia squealing in the back ground mouthing OTP OTP, but your brother Derek is against the idea of Stiles and his little sister dating.




"Hi i'm (Y/N), it's my first day" you tell the lady behind the desk while fidgeting.

"Right, here's your schedule, locker number and combination" she tells you handing you your stuff, "Ms Martin would you come over here a second" the women calls into the hallway grabbing the attention of a girl your age with strawberry blonde hair.

"Of course Ms Flynn" the girl says plastering a fake smile across her face, "What may I help you with"

"I need you to show (Y/N) where her locker is" Ms Flynn says pointing her finger at you.

"I'd be happy to" she says, fake enthusiasm flooding her voice, "follow me" her attention now on you, you suddenly feel self conscious under her gaze.

"Sorry about this, I know you probably don't want to be stuck showing the new girl around" you say looking down.

"It's really no problem, i'm Lydia by the way" she tells you.

"Are you sure you didn't seem so happy back there" you say.

"Oh that, I just don't like Ms Flynn, she's always had it out for me" Lydia explains.

"Why?" You ask her curiously.

"What did you say your name was?" She asks completely ignoring your question.

"It's (Y/N)" you tell her.

"Here we are (Y/N)" she says stopping in front of a locker, she grabs your schedule out of your hand and looks in over, "your class is right down the hall, i'll see you around" she tells you passes you back your schedule before she turns around and struts down the hallway like she owns it.

You put in your locker combination but it doesn't open you try again but each time is a failure, you bang on your locker which draws people in the hallway to stare at you, "Woah, take it easy" you hear behind you, "need help?" The person asks, when you turn around you see a boy, with brown eyes and a buzzcut, you can't help but to think that he's cute.

"Umm yeah I do" you tell him, he then moves you aside and starts to work on your locker.

"I'm Stiles" he tells you while looking at you curiously, "i'm guessing your new"

"Yep, i'm (Y/N)" you respond, the locker suddenly pops opens, "how'd you do that, I tried like twenty times".

"I knew the last person who had this locker, there is a specific number you need to pass for it to open" he tells you.

"Well, thanks" you say as the bell rings.

"What's your next class?" He asks you.

"Umm" you start struggling to get your schedule out, "Chemistry with Mr Harris" you tell him, he screws up his face which you weirdly find attractive.

"He's an ass, but i've also got him next, mind if I walk with you" he says.

"Sure why not" you respond.

'Shall we" he says leading you down the corridor.


Stiles showed you around for the rest of the day, at lunch he introduced you to his best friend Scott and Scott girlfriend Alison.

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