Chapter 13

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I sat in the living room at the lake house with Damon, Stefan, and Elena. We all remained in an awkward silence. I held my sweaty hands in my lap and I bounced my leg up and down waiting for someone other than me to break the silence. Damon stood up.

"Are we all ignoring the fact that Elijah knows Rose?" Damon said. I perked up at the familiar name.

"Wait. Elijah, the vampire?" I asked.

"See, she does know him," Damon said.

"Yes, well no, I don't know him but the other Rosalena did" I explained. "They were... Lovers" I hesitated.

"That would make sense, you're a doppelganger of the old Rosalena. So that means..." Stefan said before he was interrupted.

"Elijah thinks you're the old Rosalena" Damon interrupted.

When we got back Elena's I began packing up my stuff. Jeremy came down the stairs to see my packing.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going home. I don't want to over stay my welcome" I said making an excuse.

"No please don't go yet. You're welcome to stay," he offered.

"Thank you but I should spend some time in my bed," I said. He nodded sadly and helped me pack up the rest of my things. I took all my stuff back to my dark house. I walked through the empty house and I trudged up to my room. I turned on the overhead light and flopped on my bed like I didn't have a care in the world. The cold blankets sent me a comforting feeling followed by goosebumps. I closed my eyes and listened to the inhale and exhale of my breath and let myself slip away into sleep...

I fell out of sleep. The room was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. My eyes began to adjust to the darkness. I moved around a bit and stretched. I turned over to where my phone was and I felt for it. I picked up my phone to look at the time.

"5:30?!!" I croaked. I jumped up and turned on my light. I had school today and could not miss the bus. I started the water in the bathroom. I felt for the perfect temperature although I knew I was just gonna have to fix it when I got in it.

When I got out I dried my hair and got dressed. I threw something clean on, I didn't care what I looked like today. I walked out the door holding a warm bagel with cream cheese. I walked to the bus stop and met up with Robin and Mikey.

"Hey, Rose. Where have you been? I went to your house the other day and you weren't there. That, and I haven't seen you at the bus stop in weeks?!" Robin said.

"Yeah" I chuckled. "My mom left town and I've been staying at Elena Gilberts house," I said sadly.

"And why didn't you call us?" Mikey asked sympathetically.

"I needed some time to deal before I laid my problems on everyone else," I said partially lying.

When we got to school everything was fine until 5th hour. And I thought the day couldn't get worse...

"Hey Rose.." Called Derek. I turned around with a fake smile.

"Hey..." I said. He stood confidently. His perfect smile was showing and his fantastic brown hair smelled of strawberry. I hated that he was so amazing and was into me.

"Are you free Friday?" He asked, his blue oceanic eyes sparkled.

"No, very busy," I said slamming my locker and headed to history. When I got to history I realized I only had a pencil, I left all of my history stuff in my locker! I face palmed and got up to go get it before class started. As soon as I stood up Mr. Saltzman came in.

"Take your seats" he announced. I sat back down. He looked around the room, he seemed to be taking attendance but when his eyes hit me he froze a bit. Someone passed a paper back for me to do. I looked down at my work but I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He looked down at the name sheet then back at me. It's like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then he went back to normal in a blink of an eye. I was so confused... Later on, during class, Mr. Saltzman had a student pass back a test from earlier this month. When I got passed back to me, I saw my grade on the first page. An A+. But next to my grade was a note for me to see him after class, which was... Now. The bell rang and the classroom cleared out. I walked up to Mr. Saltzman's desk.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked.

"Yes" he started, he got up from his desk and closed the door.

"I have a question," he said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"How are you alive Rosalena?" He asked. I then realized it wasn't Mr. Saltzman. I played along.

"Who might you be, really?" I asked. He smiled.

"Don't you remember me, love?" He asked.

"It's a bit fuzzy," I said.

"I stole your pie..." He hinted. It was Klaus!!!

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