Chapter 36

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I twitched on the ground and I held my neck gasping for air! I could feel the black veins move down and away from my neck. I gasped for more air, my lungs finally filling up. I coughed several times then watched the vein burrow into my chest and disappear. I slowly got up and looked in the mirror at myself. My eyes glowed gold and the bite wasn't bleeding anymore but now it was a visible scar. I touched at it, my skin was indented where the teeth had sunk in. I stared into my own eyes for a moment watching the gold fade into hazel rather than the dark brown they once were. I grabbed my bloody clothes and put them back on. They were stiff and smelled strongly of copper but I didn't know what to do! I drained the bloody water from the tub and went into my room. I walked towards the door to find Klaus. Suddenly my brain felt as if it were on fire! I fell to my knees and shouted in pain, my voice was distorted and deep. The scream deepened and lasted multiple seconds. Klaus burst into the room and knelt down beside me. He was lost for words for a moment. He touched me and my body jolted away from him. He backed away and muttered something to himself. I grunted In pain.

"Tell me!" I shouted, my voice still deep and distorted. My heart was racing. This was the scariest and most painful situation I had ever been in! My skin grew hot and icy cold waves flowed over me swiftly and made me shiver. My body body shook uncontrollably and I could feel the veins in my chest.

"The werewolf bite and vampire blood is fighting each other..." he said a bit fascinated.

"What do I do!?" I screamed out as my body twitched some more.

"Wait until they combine?" He said unsure. "Or until one toxin beats the other..."

"Klaus!!" I shouted again. Then the pain stopped instantly. My body stopped shaking. Klaus and I both waited for some sort of transformation.... Nothing happened.

"How do you feel?" Klaus asked still waiting for something to happen. I stood up and felt myself.

"I don't feel anything..."

~~The next morning~~
     Klaus took me to see a sort of doctor for the supernatural. The man seemed fairly young and moderately handsome. He didn't wear what doctors usually wore, his jacket was reddish brown leather. Under that, a gray T-shirt with dark blue denim jeans. He had a scratchy beard that he neglected to shave in a few days. His hair on the other hand was groomed and gelled back. We were in his home, it was full of equipment, stuff you see in hospitals stored in his living room. The man had devoted his immortal life to health and sciences. Klaus had even given his blood to him. Klaus's blood was the cure to a wolf bite.

The man had taken some of my blood to do some tests. I sat comfortably on his couch waiting for the results. My hands were beginning to sweat. I rubbed my palms on my jeans repeatedly. I could hear my own heart beat.... and Klaus's... and the doctor's. Everything was so different, smells, sounds... I tried to focus on doctor's heartbeat, his was calmer and more soothing. The doctor came into the room looking down at the results. His heart skipped a beat.

"You are a hybrid with traces of witch," the doctor said. We all stood dazed. Klaus and the doctor more than me.

"But, that's not possible," Klaus objected.

"Yes I know, but she is all three," he said showing Klaus my chart. "The bite on her neck infected her with werewolf venom and your vampire blood was still in her system when she died," he said. My heart skipped a beat!

"I died....". I questioned.

"Yes, the vampire blood didn't heal you... You healed yourself. But the mixture of poisons still did what it was supposed to," he said. I looked down. Klaus had lied last night...

"How did she heal herself? She doesn't know how to use her magic..." Klaus said.

"Well, then. My only guess is that her ancestors got her back on that one. Witches tend to help from the afterlife," he said looking over to me.

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