5 | the star spangled man with a plan

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Amelia was still pissed from the day before. Some part of her had been wanting to be happy for Steve, but as soon as Steve became a success, she exploded. Steve was depressed, everyone either looked upon him pitifully as a lab rat and with Amelia furious at him, she wasn't making the situation any easier. All Steve wanted to do was to win the war and fight alongside other soldiers. Steve had been withdrawing blood in the infirmary when Amelia walked in to get some painkillers.

"What do you need those for?" Steve questioned.

Amelia groaned internally. "We don't have to talk." She told him.

"I think we do." He retorted.

Amelia simply ignored him. "Think you got enough?" Steve grumbled at the nurse that was taking his blood. The nurse scurried away with many tubes of Steve's blood.

"It's for Howard, he cut himself up pretty bad while taking apart the submarine he got when you took down that HYDRA spy." Amelia muttered. Steve stood up and attempted to snatch the medicine away from her. She turned her body away from Steve so he wouldn't be able to take the medicines as if she were a child.

"He looks fine," Steve mentioned, glancing over to Howard, whom was still working on the submarine.

"I have a headache." Amelia lied, again.

"You don't use painkillers for headaches." He retorted.

"Just, leave me alone."
"Are you on drugs?"
"Whaat? No! Well, not yet."

The two argued back and forth. "Why would you want to do that!" Steve yelled.

"I told you to leave me alone." Amelia hissed. She stormed out of the room to return to Howard's side, leaving the pills in the infirmary.

"Colonel Phillips, my committee is demanding answers." Amelia heard Senator Brandt speak.

"Great, why don't we start with how a German spy got a ride to the secret installation in your car?" Amelia scoffed, practically stealing the words out of the Colonel's mouth. The Senator only looked at Amelia in shock, he had nothing to say in return.

"What's wrong senator? Cat got your tongue?" Amelia snickered.

"What do we got here?" Colonel Phillips asked Howard, changing the subject. Howard had the most perplexed expression ever placed upon him.

"Speaking modestly, I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country. But, I don't know what's inside this thing or how it works, we're not even close to this technology." He answered.

"Then who is?" The Senator asked.

"HYDRA, duh, haven't you read any of our briefings?" Amelia responded. She was a bit snappy today, taking out her anger on anyone that wanted to cause a fight.

"I'm on a number of committees, Ms. Stinson, you wouldn't understand." Brandt chuckled arrogantly.

"You wouldn't understand." Amelia mocked.

"I've had just about enough of you, Ms. Stinson. Most likely along with all of the men you've ever encountered too." The senator dissed.

"Look here asshole, just because I'm not a dumb housewife doesn't mean I get to be bitched by you. You want to go, pound cake? Let's go." Amelia barked, getting into a fighting stance. Howard pulled Amelia back, and Amelia kicked and jabbed for him to let go.

"I wouldn't mess with her, Senator Brandt, she's trained in martial arts." Howard warned as he struggled to pin Amelia against the wall. When Brandt and Colonel Phillips walked away, with Phillips laughing like an idiot, Howard let go of Amelia.

"What's wrong with you boys stopping me from getting into a small tussle." Amelia complained.

Howard looked at Amelia curiously. "With the Senator?"

* * *

"HYDRA, the Nazi deep science division, led by Johann Schmidt, but he has much bigger ambitions." Peggy explained aloud.

"HYDRA is a cult, people worship him, they think he's invincible. They obviously didn't come up with this on their own." Amelia continued, moving her eyes to the walls and floor; mostly to avoid Steve's gaze, partly to avoid the Senator's glare.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" The Senator questioned.

"I spoke to the President this morning, as of today, the SSR is being retasked." Colonel announced.

"We are taking the fight to HYDRA, pack your bags Agent Stinson, Agent Carter and Mr. Stark. We are flying to London tonight." Phillips said, receiving curt nods from Amelia and Howard, but only a gaping mouth from Peggy.

"Sir?" Steve called out. "If you're going after Schmidt, I want in."

"You're an experiment, you're going to Alamogordo." Phillips replied.

"But, the serum worked—" Steve was interrupted.

"I asked for an army and all I got was you, and Amelia but she was a failure,—" Colonel began.

"Fuck you too." Amelia mouthed.

"—you are not enough." He finished. Steve's pride sunk below deck, it was hopeless. He would never be able to serve his country just as he wanted to.

They all walked out of the bunker, and Howard purposely walked next to Amelia. "Looks like England is where we will be spending our honeymoon." Howard joked.

"Um..." Amelia grimaced.

"Also looks like your super-soldier buddy doesn't get to fight, huh?" Howard added.

"Hurts to bite the dust, doesn't it?" Amelia mocked as if Steve was standing right in front of her.

"You've always been a little sour, but today..." Howard whispered to Amelia.

"I guess I'm just a little hurt." She admitted.

* * *

"The star-spangled man with a plan!" Howard read. Peggy, Howard and Amelia had all made it to England. But, all they received was cringe worthy news.

The Senator, or "dickhead" as Amelia called him, was laying at his home in front of his fireplace, making thousands of dollars because he set Steve up as a poster boy for the war as: Captain America.

"Maybe you should've let me fight Senator Brandt after all." Amelia commented. Her moodiness had gone away, and she may have regretted some of the things she spat at Steve now. Especially now that he had to serve his country in blue tights.

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