14 | epilogue

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As time went by, it was as if Amelia could never stop grieving. She didn't grieve by being depressive or by constantly crying. She grieved by drinking, and partying.

After a while, Amelia had finally accepted the fact that she had powers; to stop time, superhuman durability, and extremely slow aging. However she never used them for any good. Her mind was twisted and bent, anger had filled her thoughts and the only way she could get away from them was to drink. Unlike Steve, Amelia could get drunk; she just had to work a little harder to get there.

Howard and Peggy had started and organization called SHIELD, it was to protect the world from huge secrets. Such as HYDRA and the Super Soldier experiments. Amelia Stinson was considered a founder, but never really participated in trying to save the world.

From time to time, when she was sober enough, she would stop by for a meeting or two. So she knew the team, and the team knew her. But no words would be exchanged about her habits, so she continued to do them. Amelia ended up having no family and no close relationships, except for the multiple one-night stands she had with various men.


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