Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Asriel and Gohan were sitting outside on the front lawn talking, Asriel was wearing a Bright Blue sweater with Black Shorts, Gohan was wearing a White Button-up shirt with Blue jeans. Gohan almost forgot something, "Oh! Hey Asriel! i wanted you to meet some of my other friends! they're good friends with my dad as well, come on! follow me!" Gohan got up and Shot into the air leaving a trail of his Blue Aura, "H-Hey wait for me!" Asriel shot up as well leaving a trail of his Grey aura behind him, he finally managed to catch up with Gohan, "Okay, so where are we going Gohan?" Asriel asked, "Oh, We're going to Kame house!" Asriel looked confused, he didn't know what this Kame house was or what it looked like, but, he just had to find out for himself.

Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Bulma, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Baby Trunks were at Kame house, along with Master Roshi and Yajirobi. The were all wearing they regular attires. They were all having a friendly conversation, "Hey, i wonder when Goku's coming back, i sure miss the guy." Krillin said, "He's fine, i'm sure he'll be back soon." Piccolo reassured, "He is Goku after all." The Friendly conversation stopped when Krillin Sensed something, it was a very powerful Ki, "Hey guys, do you feel that? there's a Powerful ki coming towards us, i know one of the Ki is Gohan's but, i'm unfamiliar with the other.." They all headed outside and waited for the ki to approach, Vegeta had an angry look on his face, "Damn! this Energy.. it's stonger and higher than mine! this can't be!" Gohan and Asriel were almost there, Gohan spotted everyone outside of the House, "Hey everyone's outside! Come on Asriel!" "O-Oh okay.." They finally arrived but they stopped midair, "Hey Everyone!" Gohan greeted. "Why does everyone look so serious?" Asriel asked, "I don't know.."

"That Powerful energy... was coming from a damn Child?!" Vegeta Blurted out, "This is ridiculous!!" everyone looked at Asriel, "Uhmm, hello! my name's Asriel Dreemurr, it's nice to meet you all!' Everyone was still shocked that this powerful Ki came from a child, "Well, it's nice to meet you Asriel! i'm Krillin!" Everyone else Greeted themselves, but Vegeta, "And i guess this grumpy butt is Vegeta.. he sure is an odd one" Vegeta looked at Krillin, "Shut up worm!" he flies up and approaches Asriel, "I don't know how this is possible, but you have a Very High Power level" Asriel was about to thank Vegeta, "Well thank-" "But that's just ridiculous for a child." Asriel Frowned, "Oh.."

"Now, Asriel.. i want you to fight me!" Asriel was Shocked and Scared, he never fought anyone besides Gohan before, and plus, Vegeta was scary, "Uh, well.. i don't know..." Vegeta laughed like a mad man, "What? are you scared of me? well, that's fine, then, i can understand if you're a wuss." Asriel tensed up a bit and he felt a bit angry, "I'm..i'm not a wuss! Fine! i'll fight you!" Vegeta smirks and he gets in his fighting stance, "Come at me Child." Gohan Lands on the Beach next to Krillin and the others, Asriel and Vegeta stare each other down, "Alright, here i go!" Asriel Charges towards Vegeta and Throws a punch his way, but Vegeta side steps and knees Asriel right in the gut, "Gah!" Vegeta then Hits Asriel in his Back with his elbow, sending Asriel flying into the ocean, "Ahahah! what a weakling!" Gohan clenched his fist in anger, seeing his friend get beaten like this, Piccolo put his hand on Gohan's right shoulder letting him know not to interfere, Vegeta crossed his arms and closes his eyes, "Well, i guess the kid's dead, he been underwater too long." Vegeta turns around and starts to fly off but he was interrupted by someone shooting out of the water, it was Asriel, with Blood flowing out of a wound from above his right eyebrow.

"I..I'm not done yet!" Vegeta turns around with a smug smirk on his face, "Wow, i honestly didn't think you'd make it, oh well, come at me!" Asriel smirks and flies towards Vegeta at full speed, The saiyan prince was about to punch Asriel, but as Asriel approached Vegeta he uses the Afterimage Technique to disappear and reappear behind Vegeta, Vegeta looks behind him and sees Asriel, "WHAT?!" Asriel then kicks Vegeta higher into the Air and then two Balls of yellow energy form in Asriel's hands, "Take this!" he starts to fire multiple balls of energy towards Vegeta, each of them hitting Vegeta, thus leaving a huge smoke cloud After Asriel got through shooting, Everyone looked astounded, Asriel had just launched a full barrage of energy at Vegeta, but, it wasn't over yet, the smoke cloud disappeared, Vegeta was right there, with smoke coming off of his arms from blocking the Energy blasts, he put his arms down and he looked at Asriel, "Wow! that was a pretty strong attack kid, but.." Vegeta smirks at Asriel, "It wasn't strong enough!" Asriel gets scared, Vegeta just blew off his attack like it was nothing! "D-Darn it.." Vegeta charges towards Asriel and deliver's a mean and nasty punch to Asriel's face sending him flying off, the punch got a little blood on Vegeta's glove, Vegeta uses Afterimage to appear behind the still flying Asriel and catches him by the fur on his head, Asriel's eyes are clenched shut in pain.

"You're mine now!" Vegeta lifts Asriel up with his right hand and he puts his left hand back, he then starts to punch Asriel repeatedly in the face, each blow getting a little harder, "Ahahaha! this is priceless!" Asriel started to bleed from the mouth and nose from the merciless beating he was receiving, Everyone outside of Kame house was looking at the situation helplessly, after about 20 punches to the face later, Vegeta finally decides to show Asriel some MERCY and he let's go of Asriel's head fur, Asriel drops to the ground unconscious, Gohan quickly ran up to Asriel, "Asriel, Asirel! are you okay?!" there was no response, Asriel was still breathing, Krillin came up to Gohan and handed him a Senzu bean, Gohan took the bean and put it in Asriel's mouth, the young Monster chewed the bean and swallowed it, his eyes opened slowly, "Ugh.. that sure did hurt.. am i alive?" Goahn smiled and chuckled, "Yes! you're alive! i'm just glad you survived." He grabbed a napkin out of his pocket and wiped the blood off of Asriel's face, he helped Asriel up, "You did a good job kiddo!' Krillin said with a smile, "I didn't know you could land so many energy shots of Vegeta!" Asriel smiles, "Thank you Mr. Krillin!" Vegeta was watching from above everyone was talking and complimenting Asriel, it was all sickening to him, "Ugh, this is ridiculous." Vegeta flies off wandering off somewhere else..

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