Chapter 8: The Android Saga part 3: Battle with Androids 19 and 20!

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Everyone looked at Vegeta and Android 19, Gohan was still angry at the fact that 19 caught Asriel off guard and attacked him like that, he could've killed Asriel, he was also worried about his father as well.. he was breathing heavily and he was sweating. "Father, you should go and take a rest.. you don't look so good!" Goku put Asriel down, and looked at Gohan, "I..think you're right.." All of a sudden Goku passes out, Gohan catches him right on time. "I'll take father home.. Guys, please be careful." Piccolo nods, "Everything will be fine Gohan, take Goku home." Gohan nods and flies off with his Father into the distance, The Z-Fighter put their attention back to Vegeta and Android 19. 19 started to feel confidant after beating Asriel, and he started to think he coulds easily defeat Vegeta too, "I know all of your moves, you'll be defeated easily." Vegeta looks at 19, "Ahahahah!, that's adorable.." He laughed at the fact that Dr. Gero didn't observe the fights on Namek, "Your bonehead creator picked a fine chapter to emit from your memory bank!" This made 19 angry, "Ohh? you're mad now..? heh, now you'll probably be able to show me your true power!  go ahead and hit me as hard as you can!" Android 19 quickly shot toward Vegeta and started to punch him in the face repeatedly, but it didn't have any affect, "What?! what's going on!" 19 stated, 20 looked on in disbelief, "What?! how is this possible?!"  Vegeta then grabbed 19's hand as he was about to strike again, "You're weak!" He then starts to beat the crap out of the android with a barrage on punches  and kicks.


Asriel was in a weird place.. it was dark, he was still in his Gi, "No... not this place." He said taking a step back."  "Wh-Why am i here?!" He tried to fly, but i looks like he isn't able to, he tried using a ki blast, but it was useless to. "Hello Asriel.."  an eerie voice said,  Asriel looked around in confusion, "Who's there..? show yourself!!" The Voice laughed for a bit, "Boy.. you sure are hilarious! Ahahah! you really don't know who i am do you?' Asriel shook his head, "No.. just show yourself!" The voice didn't have a response, then a tall Goat-boy in a dark purple robe, similar to Asriel's mother Toriel's robe, came out of the darkness, he had Pure red eyes, and he had two large horns on his head, Asriel Couldn't believe it, it was....himself, "Hey there Asriel.. it's me.. the REAL ASRIEL DREEMURR!!" Asriel took a couple of steps back, "Wh-why are you still here..? it doesn't make sense! i though i got rid of you.." Dark Asriel smirked evilly and took a couple of steps towards Asriel, "Heh, no.. i'm still here.. and i came here to finish what i started... to kill you!" Asriel turned around and started running away, he kept running and running for what it seemed like hours and hours.. then, he heard a voice say: "Hey Kid! wake up!!!" Asriels eyes then shot open, he was lying on the ground, over him was Piccolo, "Are you alright? you took quite a beating back there.

"I-I'm fine Mr. Piccolo.. i'm surprised that i'm not dead." Asriel then stood up and looked around, he was still in the Rocky area, and he noticed that Goku and Gohan were missing, "Uhm.. where's Gohan and Mr. Goku?" Krillin then looked at Asriel, "Well, Goku got sick, and Gohan had to take him home, don't worry, they'll be back!" Asriel then nodded, "Okay.." The young Dreemurr looked up and saw Vegeta Pounding  Android 19, "I never thought i'd be saying this, but.. i Hope Vegeta wins.." Asriel said worriedly, Hoping that the Jerk of a saiyan would beat the Android. "Wow, i have never seen anyone so weak!" Vegeta said to Android 19, "Your Pathet-" Android 19 then grabbed Vegeta's Arms and smirked evilly, "Now i will drain all of your energy! Ahahah!" Vegeta still kept his confidant smile on his face, "Oh really? Vegeta says, The saiyan prince then puts both of his feet of 19's face and starts to pull, "I guess i'm just gonna have to rip your arms off from doing so!!" The Z-Fighters looked in shock, "What's he doing?" Asriel asked, "He's going to do something drastic, knowing Vegeta." Piccolo said, Vegeta kept pulling harder and harder, "Ahahaha! get lost!" finally both of Android 19's arms rip right off and oil started to squirt out of his arm sockets"What!? how is this possible!?" the Android then looked at Vegeta in Fear, and cowered, 19 then started to run off, "Now it's time for you to DIE!" Vegeta then holds out his right hand in front of hi, and a big blue ball forms in it, BIG BANG ATTACK! he launched the ball towards 19, and it hit him, resulting in a large explosion and the death of Android 19. "That was easy." Vegeta states.

The Z-Fighters looked in awe, "W-Wow.. he killed him just like that." Asriel said, "Yeah.." Krillin said, ?Android 20 looked in Fear, "Well, looks like it's time for plan b.." Android 20 then Takes off Flying, towards the other part of the Rocky area, the canyons, "No! he's getting away!" Asriel said, Flying off and Chasing after hi, "Hey! he's mine you brat!" Vegeta then chases after the Android as well, then the rest of the Z-Fighters follow behind them, Trying to Find the Android, it'll be really difficult sense they can't sense the Android's Energy...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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