Chapter 5

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The outfit still the same.

Recap: Once I finished I got up off the floor and heard clapping I turned around and said What the fuck with big eyes.

Present Time

Surprised to see us Harry said with a smug look that I wanted to slap off his face.  I was not gunna let him win so I replied "Naw not really,but hey while you over their can you fetch me some water peasant" I narrowed my eyes at him. The boys where trying to cover up their laughs with coughs while he just glared at me.

I just smirked and turned away but before I did I swore I saw his faceflash with sadness and hurt but I imagining things now, anyway I said what are ya'll doin hur? Well management is making us learn a hip-hop song so they sent us here the one with the buzz cut said, hmm I'ma call him Buzz ha ha let's see how he likes it. Okay buzz and you blondie I pointed to the blonde headed one who was staring off into space what are you thinking bout?

"Nothing" he answered quickly, "Anyway what song were ya'll thinkin of" I asked. "Well we don't know" Buzz replied, "Okay let me see, give me bout ten to 15 minutes okay." Okay they all said except Harry who was just looking at me. Not like I give a fuck, "Oh by the way Cheyenne my name's Liam, that's Zayn, Louis, Niall and Harry, but you already know him."  "I like ya'll's names kinda unique" and with that I headed of to find a song.

10-15 minutes later

Okay I have three songs you can choose from- What are they Louis yelled in my ear. Well hold on okay, anyway first one Roger That by Young Money, Bedrock by Young Money and The Motto by Drake so we can listen to them to see which ones you like and I'll dance to all of them to show you k have deal good. Ha like I was gonna let them have a say anyway I did them in order and when I was done I let the boys decide. Well we can't decide can we get back to you on this Liam asked, Yeah sure and Adios. And with that they left. 

Liam's POV

Boy's we have to get her to come on tour with us and do the dance I said frustrated. Okay they answered except Harry he's been moody lately, but I'm sure he'll get over it.  Well, I'll call management..

Long phone conversation(skipped)

Boy's they said fine but we have to sing the song are she does either way someone has to sing. Okay's and yeah whatever's went around, I stood up and looked at the time to see it's ten o' clock night boys i said and headed up to bed.

Next DAY

Cheyenne's POV -Outfit 

So I was in the studio waiting for the boys it's 8:00 and they were suppose to be here at 7:00. I got bored so I decided to dance to Lollipop by Lil Wayne. I just basically danced and sang like that for a another hour. I decided to put Strip by Chris Brown on an hour later, thank god I know how to dance in heels!

 I finished so I went to get a drink of water, when I turned around there standing in front of me was the guys. Umm care to explain why your let's see.. I don't know almost two and half hours late I screamed. Uh yeah about that we had to drag Harry over there here we're really sorry, I sighed and told them it's ok and glared at Harry.

Well have you chose your song yet I questioned them with a look, yeah about that we have to talk to you about something. Okay go a head I said, well since we can't dance and you can we were wondering.. oh my god I thought to myself get on with it. My god Louis Cheyenne they wanna know if you want to go on tour with us Harry said/yelled. The boy's looked at me, well it does seem fun but what about Harry I thought to myself. I looked at them and answered.....................................................................................................







Sure why not, they let out a breath but....


Me Well that was interesting what do ya'll thinks wrong with Hazza?

Cheyenne: I don't know but he's annoying the hell out of me

Harry-Hey I heard that I heard that!

Cheyenne-Does it look like I give a fuck

Harry- You SHOULD!

Cheyenne- Awww is poor little Harry upset :3


Me:I'ma stop this so bye!

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