My angel

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Soon, I see a figure emerge from the shadows, seeing a normal human girl. A really pretty one at that.

"G-guardian angel? How is that even possible?! You're just-"

"A girl?" She interrupts me, "yeah, I get that a lot." She says simply as she walks up to me.

"And you're cute. The most beautiful person I've been a guardian over so far." She says with a wink. I look at her for a second, contemplating whether I should believe her or not. But I feel a slight burn at my cheeks as the corner of my lips tug up in a slight smile.

"Oh.. Uhh.. Th-thank you.." I choaked out.

"So, I know you have questions. Ask away." She says with a gentle smile.

"Actually.. Could we go somewhere like, that's not crowded and where we're surrounded by people." I suggest, not wanting to talk about myself where people can hear me. Or at all for that case. But, for some reason, I trust her..

"Of course. Anywhere- no. You can't go home. Here, take my hand." She says, holding her hand out, waiting for me to take it. I look at her hand before finally grabbing it hesitantly.

She instantly grows wings, flying up in the air, pulling me with her.

"Don't let go!" I practically yell at her.

"Oh, don't worry," she starts, "I'd never dream of it." She says with a flirty smile and a wink.

"Are you flirting with me?" I ask, raising an eye brow. "Oh, of course. Why wouldn't I? You're beautiful." I sigh deeply. "I sure don't feel like it." I say, my voice low. "We'll talk in a second. We're almost there."

"Almost where?" I question, confused of where we're going, only seeing clouds. "Hold on tight." She says before she speeds off into the clouds, soon letting me go as I fall on something fluffy and white. I assume this is a cloud but, how is that possible?..

"This is my house. I live alone so we won't be disturbed. But it'd be nice if someone like you lived with me. But I only have one bedroom." She says with a wink. "We'd have to share a bed."

"Okay, calm down. But seriously, cool it with the flirting. I barely know you. You're really pretty.. Really pretty.. But.. Riley.." She looks at me intently for what seems like much longer than a couple seconds. "Do you truely believe that you love her?" She asks.

Hearing that takes me aback. "What? Of course I love her-" "no. Do you love her." She repeats, putting the emphasis on "love." "Yes. I do." She looks at me, a sad expression filling her features. "You don't understand. Do you love her?" She asks once again.

She's right. I don't get it. "You're right. I don't understand. What do you mean?" I ask. "You'll have to figure that out yourself.." She looks down slightly. "I'm sorry sbout what happened between you two.."

I don't say anything, instead I find the couch and sit down, looking at the ground. "It's my fault, angel. It's completely my fault it happened. How, when you know all that I've done, know how broken I am, can you still call me beautiful?"

"You know, I love you." I quickly get up, facing her. "HOW?! I'M A BROKEN MESS, ANGEL! JUST LOOK AT ME!!!!" I yell as I fall to my knees, tears forming in my eyes.

She comes down infront of me, getting on her knees. "The same way Riley can still love you after hurting her." She says as she gently kisses my forehead, wiping the tears away.

"But-but.. I'm just.." I soon trail off, not able to finish the thought. "Perfect just the way you are." She says with a smile. "You're beautiful." She says as she scoots closer to me, taking my hands, looking into my eyes.

I look down slightly, not knowing what to do or say. She puts her hand under my chin, pulling me to look up at her, gently pulling me closer to her.

"Don't listen to those lies anymore. That's all they are. Lies. You're so much more than you believe yourself to be. You're so beautiful, goregous even. You're not a mess." She tells me as she continues leaning closer to me. I can feel her breath now. Vanilla. Hm.

"But I'm br-" "but that doesn't make you a mess. That's not your identity, Maya. Just continue being you. Riley and I will continue to love you. Even your mom, Maya." She says as she eyes flicker down to my lips.

I feel her lips brush against mine before she finally breaks the space between us, feeling her lips on mine in a gentle kiss. Her lips.. Are soft..

She soon pulls away a smile plastered on her face. "I'm surprised you let me do that.." She says quietly. "By the way, your lips are soft too." She says, causing my cheeks to heat up slightly as a small smile creeps upon my lips.

"But I know you didn't enjoy it because I wasn't Riley." I look down slightly. "But I didn't hate it either.." I say quietly.

"You're right.." Is all I say before looking back up at her. "You should take me back now.." I say quietly, looking away from her.

"Time doesn't go on as we're up here. Only when I go down is when time affects us." She explains. I look down slightly.

"I know. You have to get back to Riley. I'm sorry." She says as she grabs my hand, soon I feel us falling as her wings come out, causing us to glide through the air. She lands outside of Riley's apartment.

"Don't worry, I won't leave yet. I'll always be with you, whether you think so or not." She says, ushering for me to go inside. "Thank you," I start, looking down slightly, "for your help.." I say quietly, soon looking back up, kissing her cheek gently.

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