Chapter 10~ Surprises

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"I-uhh, S-shift.." I stuttered and Divine went wild inside me as I gave her the control. For the second time I ran away, leaving Aldrin and and my mate..

    I ran jumped from the veranda, leaving the two most important people in my life. I shifted in mid-air and I ran when my paws reach the soil. I ran away without any directions. Why did everything have to be complicated?

'That's how our life works..' Divine spoke inside me with soothing voice. I could feel that she feels my sadness too.

'I'm sorry, for offending you..'

'That's fine, I know you have your reasons... I feel what you feel..'

    I continued running. I could see thick trees around me and I don't know which directions I could go so I ran straight to my vision. I don't care where I would take myself, I just want to be far, far to those things that could complicate my life. I never asked for this kind of life.

    I forced myself to stop running when I saw a cliff. I stood at the edge of it. I looked at the cliff which is parallel to the cliff that I'm standing. I can jump from here to there. I walked ten steps back and run at full speed. I jumped from the cliff and aimed myself to land on the soil but as I reach halfway, a big brown wolf appeared right in front of me and bit my shoulder.

    I howled as I felt the pain in my shoulder. Everything happened so fast and the wolf that bit me, brought me back to the edge of the cliff. He layed me on the ground as my wound continued to bleed. He looked at me and when he was about to say something, two wolves come rushing near us, the other pinned the brown wolf onto the tree while the other protectively stood beside me.

    I could feel the wrath in their eyes. I could also feel my body numbing. I can't move my shoulder and hands and I could feel something inside me travel around my body. I could hear Divine's howl inside my mind, she's in great pain. My conciousness is slowly drifting apart and the last thing I could feel is my body shifting back to my human form and I saw Vince shifted back to being human and carried me and then all I could see is pure darkness.

    I could hear three voices, all of them are speaking out of anger. I tried to open my eyes but all I could see is blur figures. My body is still numb, I want to speak but my lips are to heavy, it feels like it's glued together. All of me is heavy. I give up trying and succumb back into the darkness and drifted into sleep again.

    I opened my eyes and looked around, I'm laying on a big bed. I don't know where in the world I am but atleast it's not the worst that I expected it to be. I can't see any windows, all I could see is a big steel door and a really big chandelier in the ceiling. I concentrated and tried to enhance my hearing senses to hear what's outside but to my surprise I can't hear anything. I could only hear what's inside the room and nothing more.

    Where am I? I stood up and ran towards the door and with all my strength, I tried to knock it down but it was useless. I feel so weak inside this room. Divine inside me is still weak and I don't know what will happen to me in here. Who bit me? Where's Vince? He was the last person I saw before I lost myself in the darkness.

    I stood in the center of the room and tried to think. How can I escape this room? There's no windows and there's only a steel door but I can't open it. The door is like it's really made for wolves, it's too hard to be moved. Damn it! I hate being in here! I sat back on the bed hopelessly. There aren't so much things inside this room. Just a bed, a bedside table and a chandelier. What the hell?

    It feels like hours, sitting in a closed room with myself. I was balancing things when I heard the door clicked open and I immediately stood up. I felt myself getting ready for an attack but it was only Vince with his worried face. My body quickly relaxed and I ran to him and hugged him.

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