Chapter Thirty-Seven : Don't Leave Me

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Saturday night, the whole squad spends the night at Adrian's house again. I sleep pretty much all of Saturday, though. Early Sunday morning, we all wake up and get ready for the day.

Dylan and I shower together for the second time in our lives, which he is beyond happy about. It ends up being a longer shower than truly necessary because the both of us end up being somewhat, um... distracted.

We all head out together around ten in the morning, Naomi and Adrian heading to church, and Dyl and I to his house. The two of us hang out for about an hour before he has to change into his work clothes as his shift starts at noon.

Not wanting to be alone, I get to go with him. I'm excited for this as I've only briefly been to his work four times before.

On our drive there, my boyfriend tells me a lot of information about his workplace, and how everything runs, and what to do if this or that happens, or if I need one thing or another. It's kind of amusing and adorable to hear him ramble about it; it's almost like he's afraid something will go wrong.

"...and the new host was just hired like, two weeks ago. I told you about him, the guy with the golden glasses?"

"Yeah, Golden Glasses Guy," I nod with a small smile.

"Right, so he's kind of turning out to be a total douche. Like he does an okay job as the host, but he snubs any guy who he feels intimidated by, and flirts with any female he finds attractive. Especially the ones that come in with a male counterpart like he can steal them or something," he squints as he drives, making an odd face that causes me to giggle.

"He also smells like potatoes and the Chanel number five perfume you wear all the time. Which is weird because one, it's a women's fragrance, and two, whenever I get a whiff of it I think of you and sometimes think you're around. Then when I realize it was just him I get really annoyed."

At this point, I'm laughing. Quite hard. This whole speech of his has interestingly enough made me incredibly eager yet somewhat nervous to meet this Golden Glasses Guy, also known as GGG. I don't know if I want him to be working tonight... Either way, I'm sure I'll have an adventure being there.

We arrive seven minutes before his shift starts which he deems perfect timing. Golden Glasses Guy is working; I see him right as we walk through the front door. He greets Dylan with a high five and a "what's up, O'Brien" before he looks me over and asks for my name.

"This is Anita," Dylan answers for me. "My girlfriend."

"Oh, okay," GGG says. "She hanging out for the night?"

"She is, I'm only on a four-hour shift and she's never really been here before."

"Alright, well I'll see that she's taken good care of."

"Yeah, thanks," Dyl replies with squinted, suspicious eyes, then pulls me along with him to the back of the restaurant.

The dining room is pretty full with happy-looking people all talking and/or eating. It smells really wonderful and I'm catching a few symphonies of scents that I've never had the pleasure of smelling before. Light, pretty piano music plays with white rose centerpieces in the middle of white-clothed tables, and the place is dimly-lit; I like the ambiance in here, it's kind of romantic.

I watch as my boyfriend clocks in on some small electronic touchscreen, punching his identification number. After that, I follow him to a room behind the kitchen where he stows his backpack and coat, offering to hang mine up too.

He takes my coat but I keep my purse, of course. Then, from a bin, he takes out a clean, maroon-colored apron which he puts on. He pulls his little white hat out from his bag and places it on his head.

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