Chapter Twenty-One : Monica & Claus

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To: Dylan O'Bae, 10:04am

Gooood morning babycakes

Morning, sleeping beauty. I wish I could sleep in as long as you do

It's like 10am

Yeah and I've been up since 7

I missed the part where that's my problem


Sorry. What r u doing baby???

Currently kicking some ass in SSB

Whoops ok, text me when ur done

What? Why?

Don't want u to lose bc of me

So Anita... there's these things called pause buttons... I'd like to think they were invented so I could talk to beautiful girls like you

Awwww, sometimes I can't handle that much perfection

I don't know, you seem to handle yourself pretty well

asdfghjkl; can I come over like right now??

I wish, but I have to go to leave for work in like ten minutes

Make dat monaaayy B) $$$$

Right... so I get off at 6 and after I change, I'm coming to get you

Where are we going??

I'm taking you out

What like on a date??????????


Omg okay!!! ((((: Where r we going?!

It's a surprise :)

How am I supposed to know what to wear?!

Don't get fancy. Just be your usual cute self

I don't think I've ever started a day this wonderfully in my entire life. It's been a long time since I've been this excited about... anything, really. My boyfriend is at work now, leaving me to do nothing but look forward to tonight.

I don't bother to change out of my pajamas before going downstairs to the kitchen. I carry a tall glass of strawberry lemonade and a bowl of cheerios with me into the living room.

Channel surfing, channel surfing, I decide to pollute my mind with trashy reality tv. It's just too addicting. This one about former porn stars breaking into the retail and fashion business is particularly interesting. During a commercial break of my third episode, my dad walks into the room from the back door.

I look up at him, "Oh, hi. I didn't know you were home."

"Well you know, I was out at the fields," he says taking a seat on the couch next to me.

"Do you have much work to do today?"

"No, in fact I'm letting everyone leave in half an hour, at one. We're doing inventory tomorrow which will take hours, so."

"How nice of you."

He squints his eyes at the television screen when the show comes back on, "What are you watching?"

"I really have no idea, it's just entertaining."

"Please don't tell me your plan for the entire day is to stay inside watching crappy reality tv."

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