Chapter Twenty : Fantasy

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"You know what I just remembered?", Adrian says, driving towards our school. It's dark outside and kind of chilly, for once.

"What's that?", Dylan asks.

"This is supposed to be a masquerade type thing and we don't have masks."

"Aw, man," Naomi sighs. "I knew we were forgetting something."

"Oh well," I shrug. "It's not like we really would have worn them anyway, right?"

"True," she agrees. "Plus none of that cliche 'I kissed you because I thought you were someone else' kind of stuff can happen."

"Um, I don't think that would've happened anyway," Dylan says.

"Yeah, that stuff only happens in cheesy teen romance movies," I add.

"They did it in Gossip Girl," she sasses.

Adrian laughs, "Further proving the point."

"Whatever!", Naomi huffs. "We're going without our freaking masks, that is that. Tons of other people probably forgot too, right?"

Wrong. Literally everyone in this gymnasium has their face hidden behind a mask; even the freaking DJ. The four of us stand out pretty well in this crowd.

"Well damn," Adrian says loudly. "We could not have been any more inaccurate."

"Yes, we can all see that," I reply.

Luckily, our ASB had the great idea to sell masks here at the dance. Bless them and their wonderful, ASB-ish ideas. The masks are in various colors, decorated with either rhinestones, glitter or ribbon. They actually look quite awesome and for five bucks, what a steal! We all put on our masks, our identities now hidden to fit in with the crowd of anonymous people.

The dances I had at my school in Washington were never all that great. Our ASB was not that well-funded, their ideas generally were for elementary school dances, and roughly only one hundred and fifty people out of over a thousand students would show up.

I've known from the get-go that Chatsworth would be different. But I never thought it would be this different. In a smaller school with only four hundred thirty-five students, I could tell just from glancing around the huge gym that at least half of them showed up.

It's pitch black in here, other than the various colored laser lights everywhere, and the disco ball. A thin layer of fog rolls throughout the place, lurking on the floor weaving in and out of people's moving feet. The decoration is astonishingly elaborate, too. It has the kind of decor you would imagine they save for Prom.

In short, the place looks freaking beautiful, the awesome dance-y music they're playing is the perfect amount of loud, and everyone looks amazing and as if they're having a good time. A grand amount of students are dancing, the remaining of them spectating, talking among themselves, or filling up from things found on the elaborate snack table.

This is by far the best dance I've ever been to, and I just got here. I knew Chatsworth was loaded (since this is basically a public school for kids who are all rich enough to go a private school), but this just puts into perspective exactly how loaded they are.

And everyone looks so happy to be here. Great atmosphere to be in; it gets me into the mood to party. Apparently my best friend feels the same way.

"Woo! Let's get down!", she hollers and leads the way to the dance floor.

I follow closely behind her while both of our boyfriend's wander off somewhere else to find a table and food. How typical of them.

Naomi and I dance our freaking bodies off, not caring who sees us or what they have to say. But I have to say that the people here are incredibly social; multiple dance circles form at random times for small amounts of time.

With You┃Dylan O'Brien ⓵Where stories live. Discover now