Chapter Sixteen (Pt. 2) : This is New

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We leave Las Vegas on Sunday morning, at freaking eight o'clock in the morning. I like to sleep in on the weekends! I guess I shouldn't complain, though, because it just means I get see... my boyfriend... earlier.

I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that Dylan and my boyfriend are the same person. They are synonyms, now. Boyfriend is now added to the list of things I can call Dylan O'Brien, and I don't think anyone understands how happy that makes me.

The four hour drive home feels more like ten hours because here I am, sitting in the back seat with Dylan. A single seat in the middle separates us, but it might as well be a freaking wall. I mean it's not like I can just reach over and cover with him my kisses even though that's all I want to do.

We just keep glancing at one another and sending each other suggestive looks that often make me giggle. His facial expressions are just too attractive and hilarious at the same time. When this happens for the third time, my dad takes notice.

"What is going on with you?", he asks, looking through the rear view mirror. "Got a bad case of the giggles?"

"Sorry," I say insincerely. "People on Twitter are just really funny this morning."

My dad nods and simply turns up the hardcore country song playing on the radio, turning his attention back to the road. I steal another glance at Dylan and he's stifling a laugh of his own. I pull out my phone and send him a text.

How is my *boyfriend* doing this fine morning?? (:

Pretty splendid, on account of some very exciting events that took place last night.

I giggle again and reply, You're welcome(: And also thank u bc wow u r a really good kisser

It was my pleasure ;) So how is my *girlfriend* doing?

Pretty good other than the fact that um, her parents r in the car so she can't really kiss her bae rn even though she really wants to

Aw, well if it makes her feel better tell her that I'll be sure to give her lots of kisses later.

Yessss, I'm so looking forward to that. U kno I think I might sleep now bc I want "later" to come quickly.

But what if you miss The Neighbourhood again?

I won't, this is the country channel

There's a first time for everything.

Oh I know(; See you when I wake up! *kiss kiss kiss* (phone kisses will have to do for now)

Emphasis on "for now".

I wake up when we're just five minutes from reaching good old Dylan's house. My mom isn't in the car anymore, and I find out that she was dropped off at her office. I find it kind of redundant that we're dropping Dylan off because I know that I'll be seeing him again today, eventually.

It's barely one in the afternoon. Of course, my parents don't know this, so it's not like I can tell them. As we slow to a stop, he gets out of the car with all his belongings. He thanks my father for the ride and for 'allowing me to come to your mother's party', like the sweet, polite gentleman he is.

As he walks into his house he glances at me over his shoulder and I try my best to be discreet, blowing him a kiss. He smiles widely in return, but then my dad says "hey!" which gives me a miniature heart attack.

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