The 99 Poem Challenge: 2- Limerick

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Mitch the Bitch 

There was this Irish man named Mitch,

Who wanted to be famous and rich.

But his drink got in the way,

So poor Mitch got jailed that day,

And now he's done nothing but bitch!


Poetry for Dummies

      Limerick. And no, fellow dummies, I'm not talking about that fifth largest city in Ireland filled with Irish drunks! I meant the real thing. L-i-m-e-r-i-c-k. The poetry thing.

And before the Irish brainwash your dummy brains, the famously witty non-sense poem isn't their invention! In fact, dear dummies, it originated from France. You heard it right, the rude Frenchies have 'wit'. Don't worry, I don't believe it either. Personally, it's the romance thing.

Anyway. Limericks are simple. Even you dummies can make one. Hell, I made one and I'm the dumbest it can get! The rules? Simple. Just make sure you follow the AABBA rhyming pattern.

If you dummies don't have a clue what I just said- no surprise- it basically means the first, second and last line has to rhyme, and the third and fourth line has to rhyme too! Get it now? Good. Of course, all the while make it witty! Or it's not Limerick at all. Well, it is, but where's the fun in that? 

The final thing to remember is just to make sure that the first, second and last line only have 7 to 10 syllables, and the third and fourth line with 5 to 7 syllables! That may take longer than the rhyming, my dummies, but you can do it! Even if it takes you a whole year.

Just look at that poem up there! If there should be a lesson learned, it's to never be selfish and drink your life away like the Irish! I mean, um, never listen to Wikipedia! They make it confusing, but it's easier when you just go along with it. Voila, my dummies!

Ps. This is Dedicated to the lovely Warrior_Prophet for being awesome at poetry and helping and encouraging poor Dummies like me be better at Poetry. He is my almighty for this Project.



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