The 99 Poem Challenge: 3- Couplet

125 2 5

The Comfort of Being Dumb 

Dummies have nothing to fear,

When I'm near they all just cheer.

Because although they may all think they're dumb,

They're not as bad as me, I'll leave you numb!


Poetry for Dummies

         So. A couplet. Dummies, I think I've finally found something even you can do.  Hell, even I can write one... I even wrote two up there!

        The main thing you need know? It's all about the rhyming and rhythm, baby! "A pair of lines of meter in poetry" as Wiki would say. And by meter, it means the rhythm of the poem, you know, like, da-dum da-dum da-um da-dum, not meter as in, well, a measurement... of something. 

        Anyway...! Just remember, when you're trying to write a couplet, think of a couple. And no, you dummies, not the lovey dovey kind! I meant pairs! Two lines. Two rhymes. And, well, two lines with the same rhythm. Easy as one, two, three, right? Hell,  it's easier than one, two, three! Who likes maths?!

       So fellow dummies, get writing! You never know, you might even get a lil lova lova action from your wicked couplet couplet skills. Wink.



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