Chapter 4

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I didn't know where to go for dinner. It was around 8:00 PM, according to my watch, 3 hours of sitting around in a room. Mikayla and Dawn had just gone off to their dorms (I swear I heard a pillow fight in there) and everyone, except me, was playing pool or chess again. I was just sitting on the couches, near the fire place. I was rethinking what has happened the past few days. The attacks at my school, another explosion, resulting in us being taken here. These people have to be linked with the attacks. They have to be. I was starving. I hadn't had anything for the whole day. I was thirsty too. I had my legs pulled close to me, knees almost touching my chest, arms locked around them, toes just over the edge of the couch. Then, came alarms.

I couldn't take it. I had enough action in the past 2 days! Mikayla and Dawn burst out of their dorms. Alarms were blaring somewhere nearby, most likely the corridor leading to this room. Then, the room door burst open and the alarms where blaring louder than ever. Ian ran in. He had a earpiece in his right ear and was holding some sort of large bulky gun. "Come with me!" He shouts. We all get, not expecting his announcement, and follow him, out of the room, into the concrete corridors again. We were running. I could hear gunshots. Even though they were somewhere in the distance, they were still bloody loud. We continued running, until we reached a large room. And when I say 'large' I mean 'completely unbelievably huge' room. In fact, I couldn't call it a room. It was more of like a docking bay.

Normally, around 5 planes would be able to fit in here, easily. Instead, there was some other aircraft, which took up most of the space in the docking bay. It looked like a giant ball, with 2 massive blades at the back (for flying, like helicopter rotors), along with 2 massive guns at the front.

Ian pressed his earpiece. "Open Docking Bay A-2" he says. Almost instantly, a loud groans came from nearby. One of the walls, of the docking bay, vanished, into thin air. It was quite spectacular, seeing something just pop out of existence. That was, until I saw a helicopter. Outside the docking bay, was the sky, obviously (we were flying in a huge flying base!) and there was a black helicopter, firing some sort of lasers at us. "Get into the ship!" Ian yells, as we run across the docking bay. He points at a door, which opened the second he pointed at it. Before we could move, the helicopter exploded.

I jump in fright. "Whoa!" Eric shouts, falling over, to avoid the door of the helicopter, as it flew at him. The force of the explosion knocked me off my feet. Something cut my cheek and I clench my teeth. My vision went blurry for a whole 10 seconds, before they clear again. Ian was helping me up. "It's okay, you can go back to your dorms now" he says. I was shielding my eyes from the sun, which was now setting, but still bright. "What was that?" I ask, groaning. Ian sighs. "What was...well...I will explain later" Ian says, walking away. Yep, that's who they were. We were just attacked by 'I will explain later'.

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