Chapter 10

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I left the lounge and started walking down the corridor, following signs to the medical ward. Every second, I moved quicker. Alas, I made to the medical ward without losing my mind. I knock on the door and a man opens it. He was bald, wore glasses and had a cut on his cheek. "Come in" he says. I slowly walk into the ward, trembling. There was a seat in the middle. "Sit" he orders. There were 2 guards in the ward, armed with strange guns. I sit down in the chair and look up at the doctor. "My name is Dr. Hector Dawkins. So, what do you need help with?" He asks. I cough. "Umm...mental issues" I say. Hector sighs, teeth clench, expressing how bad the situation was. "Well...I know a way to deal with it" he says, reaching into his pocket. I smile. "Yeah?" I ask. Hector suddenly pulls out something silver. A pocket knife. "I can put ya outta ya misery"

It seemed completely random, but when he attempted to stab me, I lunged to the left, to avoid it, hitting my head against a bin. The guards started walking towards me, guns raised. What the? Where the guards on Hector's side? Bloody hell, he just tried to kill me.  "Kill him" Hector smiles. The guards nod at each other. Hector smiles. "We can't have mutants like you. We need them dead" Hector chuckles. One of the guards charges at me, while the other on gets ready to shoot. I elbow the first guards face, which should've hurt, at the speed he was charging. I slam my fists into the second guard's chest and kick his shin, so he fell. The first guard got up and raised his gun at me. I grab the hand he held the gun in and slung it over my shoulder, so the gun was facing the other guard. I press the first guard's finger, so he fired. It hit the second guard in the chest but it wasn't a bullet. It was a metal sphere which sent electrical shocks through his body. The shot guard looked like he was having a seizure from the shock bullet. I then lifted my leg and rammed it into the first guard's crotch. He yelled out in pain and I pushed him over. I snatch the first guard's gun. I point it at Hector.

"Who are you?" I demand, through gritted teeth. Hector smiles. "My name is Hector Dawkins....and I work for the Agency. Mutants like you must be killed. Like right now, I have another Agency spy, pretending to be part of Security, on their way to kill the other mutant. In fact, half the Security soldiers work for Agency!" Hector chuckles. Mikayla!

I fired the gun, launching Hector across the room and into a closet full of medicinal fluids. I run out of the room and charge down the hallway, towards my dorm. It took a minute to find my dorm, but when I did I see a lone solider, walking towards our door. Before he could do anything, I fire my gun, hitting the guard in the neck. The guard collapses. I run to the lounge and open it. Everyone was playing pool and were surprised by my sudden arrival. I slam the door shut behind us. "We gotta go" I breath, terrified. Dawn steps forward. "What's with the gun?" She asks. I toss it to her. "We gotta now. You in particular!" I shout, pointing at Mikayla. She looks confused, but I could tell I was referring to her ice abilities. "Why, what the hell is it?" Arnold demands. I started hyperventilating. I grab a pool stick and block off the door. "They're coming. They're coming for us!" I yell. Everyone looked confused. "Who?!" Mike demands. I kick the door. "IT'S THE AGENCY!" I yell. Silence. Everyone looks confused and scared. "Half of Security works for Agency...and they're here to kill us all" I lie. I didn't want to give away that me and Mikayla have super powers. Then, the door shakes and there was a loud thud. Someone was trying to enter.

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