Chapter 6

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I'm still not happy with our current situation of being forced to stay with these people. Like, WHAT ABOUT OUR PARENTS AND PETS?! THEY'RE MISSING US! We were leaving the dorms and walking down the concrete corridors again. My fists clench, to the point that my fingers were hurting. My muscles tense. Dun seemed to breath heavily. You could hear it from 5 metres away. The breaths also sounded like hissing whenever it came out. It was driving me nuts. My eyes narrowed down onto Dun. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder. I turn my head around. Eric. "Calm down man. Your fingers look like they're about to fall off!" Eric comments. I look at my fingers. They did look like they were gonna fall off. I unclench my frosts and relax my muscles. Dun opens a door, revealing a large lounge with a stage at the end of the wall. There were several other students around. A dozen. There were 4 couches only, but they were very long and surrounded tables. 4 tables. Dun turns towards us. "Let's sort you into your classes, shall we?"

"Arnold, go to that class" he says, pointing on the couch on the far left. Arnold looked sad that none of his friends were in his class. Then again, he would make new friends. "Eric and Mike, that couch" Dun says, pointing at the class next to Arnold. Mike and Eric looked happy to be together, but unhappy that their other friends weren't with them. "Trevor and Dawn, next class" he says, pointing at the couch behind him. Dawn was sad Mikayla wasn't in her class and Trevor was sad that me or Matt weren't with him. "And in the final class...Tim, Matt and Mikayla" he says, gesturing over to the final couch. We slowly walked over to the couch and sat down. There were 2 other kids in our class: both boys. We introduced ourselves, with our full names. They introduced themselves as Aaron Thompson and Ted Atkinson.

Dun jumped up onto the stage. "So, as you may all be aware by now, that yesterday, we were attacked by a series of helicopters and we attempted to safely take into a vehicle so we can fly away with you. That vehicle is a hovercraft known as a HoverSphere, for your information. Anyway, in case of emergency, our priority is to get you students to safety, no matter the cost" Dun says. Wow. Okay then. "Why us?" Some student calls out. Dun pretends the student never spoke. "We were attacked by another organisation, much like Security, but more...violent and cruel. They are the Agency. I know, best name ever" he says, earning a few chuckles from the crowd. Dun grins. "Anyway, you will, in your classes, train in combat and grow up to fight the Agency, until they are nothing more than a legend"

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