Chapter 9

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Nobody questioned me about my sudden bad mood. I was angry. Why did I have to have these powers? Why me? Why not someone like John Cena or Bob Ross? Why me? I'm guessing Security chose me and Mikayla to join them for our powers. But then...why our other friends? Do they have powers too? Questions seemed to almost drown me, but I didn't speak. I headed to my dorm and punch my box, causing groceries to fall out. I was taking deep breaths. I was mad. At the world for killing itself. For the violence in our world. For my powers. Everything. Then, I lost it. Rage.

I slammed my fists against my bunk frame. The frame leg bends and starts glowing orange, from the heat generated from my hands. The metal frame leg suddenly disintegrated into black confetti and I slam my fists against a wall. "Tim!" A voice gasps. I spin around, furring burning in my eyes. It was Mike. "You? Did you do this?" He asks, pointing at the ruined bed. I stare at the bed. "" I say. But it was obvious. I could tell the veins in my neck were glowing orange. I stare at my hands, which looked like they were made out of hot red iron. "What are you?" Mike asks, frowning. I choke. "I-...human. I kicked the frame and it collapsed" I lie. Mike didn't seem convinced, but still slowly walked away. I stare at the bed, then at my hands, which seemed to have cooled down. I am mad. I'm not even joking. I'm not talking about the emotion, either. I mean, I'm mentally mad.

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