Old Ladies And More Gnomes

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It looked like Finn and Jake's adventure was coming to an end but before they ended their adventure, so quick they realized they had one more place to check on.

The Old Lady Village.

Finn and Jake made there way to The Old Lady Village, the village was filled with screams of old ladies being chased by gnomes.

"AHHH HELP US WE'RE IN TROUBLE!!!" screamed all the old ladies in fear for their precious lives, they had so much ahead of them and they didn't want it to be taken away so quick.

"More gnomes we have to get this taken care of quick!" said Finn.
Jake stretched his arm into a catapult which he used to launch the old ladies, the old ladies went flying.

"Quick catch the old ladies!" yelled Finn, before Finn could finish Jake quickly stretched into a catapult he used to swiftly catch the old ladies.

"All right," said Finn. "Good job now I'll fight off these gnomes."

Finn used his quick reflexes and sword skills to fight off the gnomes. The gnomes were once again defeated.

"Hey check this out." exclaimed Jake. "I think I know we're all these gnomes might be coming from." He then pointed to a hole.
"Wait" said Finn, Finn took a quick look in The Enchiridion. "Oh yeah this hole leads to The Underneath Lands, the gnomes

"So what do we do about this hole?" asked Jake.

"I know just the right thing." answered Finn then he quickly took a pile of leaves to cover the hole.

"Nice thinking." said Jake.

"Now come on the there's way more to be seen."

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