NEPTR The Neverending Pie Throwing Robot

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On their adventure they came across a Magic Man.

"Whoa who are you?" asked Jake, but before Jake could finish the Magic Man had brought the two heroes into another world.

"Where are we?" asked Finn.

"Yeah you better tell us before we kick your butt!" exclaimed Jake.


"This doesn't seem like fun too me so far." said Jake.

"Exactly so that's why I got a friend of mine to spice things up!"
Then out of nowhere came a big giant Mannish Man.

"What the heck man!" said Finn. "He's going to kill us!"

"Oh don't worry." said the Magic Man. "You two get help of course."

"Oh then maybe this won't be so bad after all."said Jake.

"So who do we get for help?"

"Oh." said the Magic Man. "You two get Neptr."

"Who's Neptr?" said Finn.

"Neptr is a Neverending Pie Throwing Robot." But before the Magic Man could finish Neptr already had came in.

"Ready to fight." said Neptr. As soon as Finn saw Neptr he began to lose hope.

"We're doomed." said Finn.

"The fight shall hence begin!" yelled the magic man.

Before Finn, Jake, and Neptr could drop a move on the Mannish Man the Mannish Man punched a hole in the ground which caused the ground to collapse but quickly Neptr pushed Finn and Jake out of the way and distracted the Mannish Man by throwing pies which gave Finn and Jake time to finish the beast off.

Finn took out his sword and sliced him into two parts.

"You defeated the Mannish Man but that's impossible, well I guess I can let you guys go now." The Magic Man quickly brought the three back to the real world.

Finn and Jake also decided that they would bring Neptr with them too on their journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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