The Lich Rewakens Part 1

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One day Finn and Jake were there on watch in their tree fort making sure all of The Land Of Aaa and the kingdoms that stood on it were ok.

"Man I'm pooped." said Jake.
"Yeah man maybe we should just call it a night you know what they say 'a hero needs to get a good night's rest to kick some butt.'" said Finn.

"Yeah nobody says that."Jake said.

"You know what I mean."

Just as the two heroes headed inside they suddenly got the pleasant surprise of BMO. "What are you doing here BMO?"asked Finn.

"Well I couldn't help but notice you guys leaving your post."answered BMO. "Yeah we thought that we might as well go inside since today is just as normal as any other day."
"I'm afraid not."
"What do you mean?" said Finn.

"I mean word has been going around that the Lich has reawakened, you guys have to make sure the folk is ok."

"Look BMO I think what we all need is a good night's rest now come on let's head inside."

"Fine don't say I didn't warn you!"exclaimed BMO!

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