I Know it's Haram but, I love Him!!

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QOFD: Preserve your modesty for the one that Allah has chosen for you!

Chapter 4: I know it's Haram but, I love Him!!

"I know it's Haram but, I love Him!!" This is the answer that some sisters give when they tell them that having bf is Haram in Islam. So this is a message for everyone of them: "Dear Sister, generally, a Muslimah should only love the man she will accept to marry because of his commitment to his deen! The more he will be closer to Allah, the more she should love him. What about you? Why do you love him? Is it because of his sweet love words? Be certain that they are nothing but shaytan's whispers!! ls it because of his promise of marriage? If he really wants you, he would be a real man and come to your house to ask for your hand in marriage... If he is a real man, he would approach your wali not you!! Have you ever asked yourself if he truly loves you? Because if he truly does, then he wouldn't let you face hell !! True love is when you pray to be gathered in Jannah with the one you love! That's true love, and it only comes with Halal, after marriage!

Have you ever asked yourself if he would let his sister have boyfriend? A real Muslim man would have jealousy on his Maharim (his mother,sister,wife...) and if he has no Jealousy and If he would let his sister to have bf, then you will know his true value, but if he would refuse to let her have bf then you will know your true value in his sight!! Dear Sister, know that no matter how much he "loves" you in this Dunya, he will hate you lOOOX more than that in the Akhirah.

YES!!He will HATE you, he will blame you for your relationship when he will be between the Hands of Allah, and he will beg for you to be thrown into the flre instead of him!

Allah says in Qur'an :"Al Akhillaa (Friends/the lovers who had forbidden relationships) on that Day will be foes to one another(they will be like enemies) except Al Muttaqun (the ones who feared Allah) "( 43:67)

ls that the kind of love you want? A temporary feeling you get in Dunya, a feeling inspired by Shaytan which turn to hate in Akhirah?!!

Dear sister, please wake up before it's too late, you still have time to make things right, leave this Haram relationship right now! Leave it for Allah .Wallahi the price HE will grant you will be greater than you have ever thought... Just make that step today before tomorrow! AND SHARE with your loved ones . Make differences for the sake of Allah

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