Establish The Ghirah

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"The foundation of the Religion is Ghirah, and the one without Ghirah is one without Religion, for Ghirah protects the heart and enlivens the limbs, and shields one from evil and lewdness, and lack of Ghirah kills the heart so that the limbs die, so that there remains not even shielding from [the minor things]."

Chapter 35: Establish the ghirah


Wallah, he is mine! Wallah, she is mine!

Wearing all these couple shirts, traveling to all these tourist spots,taking all these selfies then posting it up on all your on social media accounts, captioning it "Having a blast with the wifey." or such.

Hey brother! Are you happy that thousands of nonMahram are feasting over the beauty of your wife online!?

How about you sister, still haven't had enough of posting pictures with your hubby?Talking and sharing so much about how he loves you and cares for you and all these fairy tale like stories?

Sister! You are one fine jealous woman, yet you post on your instagram photos of your hubby every single day and you get angry with him when hundreds of sisters go and follow his page as a result of that?

So I guess, it is about time that I answer you with Wallah, where is your ghirah?

No offense, but "most" of the things I have seen online is just indescribably alarming and for some reasons inappropriate.

I have seen a lot of single sisters that at the time when they finally get married, so many photos of them flood their accounts, and same way happens to the brothers - making it as if marriage is just a thing to show off on the internet nowadays.

My dear, keep your "you're just bitter 'coz you are not married" comments on your pocket, because this isn't about that!

I need you all to take a time and reflect from this, whether you are married or not or getting engaged or whatever your civil status is! Ghirah applies to it, not only to married couples!

There are a lot of ghirah related excerpts from the lives of the Sahabah RA, but today I will narrate two.

The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said: "Whilst I was sleeping, I saw myself in Paradise, and there was a woman doing wudhu beside a palace. I said, 'Whose is this palace?' They said, '(It is) 'Umar's.' Then I remembered your protective jealousy so I turned away."

'Umar wept and said, "Would I feel protective jealousy towards you, O' Messenger of Allah?'"

Al Mugheerah Ibn Shub'ah RA narrated that Sa'd Ibn 'Ubaadah RA said, "If I saw a man with my wife I would strike him with the sharp edge of my sword." His statement was told to the Messenger of Allah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalaam and he said, "Are you amazed at the ghirah of Sa'd? For indeed, I have more ghirah than him and Allah is more ghirah than me."

Why did I choose these two? Because these two great men are known for their well established ghirah over their womenfolk.

Look at 'Umar, look at how he has established his ghirah that even the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam was greatly impacted by it, that he would turn away from situations like that because he knows well of the ghirah of 'Umar.

And how about Sa'd, such ghirah that when the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam heard about his statement, he got amazed and was able to mention and compare the ghirah of Allah over him and over Sa'd's.


There is no harm in establishing yourself amongst your companions and family. There is no harm when you give them the impression that there are limits that have been set and there are things that you wish not to share and discuss with them.

Establish the ghirah. Let them feel it. Once you have done it, see how it makes life easier. Less idle talks, more time for spending time with family and worshipping Allah.

I know, and I do not prevent you in any way showing appreciation to your spouses online. Indeed, it's good to write how you appreciate your spouse and all that, but for a reason or two social media is not the right place to do it. Yes, you can do and write it every now and then but do not overdo it.

You have your humble abode, your life behind this computer screen to show and make your spouse how much you appreciate all the things that he/she does for you every single day. Do it there. Make him/her feel more special each passing day. Share the moment together, do not spoil it by inviting the whole world to it.

I know, ghirah isn't only applied to married couples, but even to your family or Muslim brothers and sisters, you can call their attention and privately advice when you see them doing inappropriate acts towards the opposite sex.

And ghirah as well pertains to yourself, let me end this by reminding you of what Ibn Al Qayyim Rahimahullah said:

"The foundation of the Religion is Ghirah, and the one without Ghirah is one without Religion, for Ghirah protects the heart and enlivens the limbs, and shields one from evil and lewdness, and lack of Ghirah kills the heart so that the limbs die, so that there remains not even shielding from [the minor things].

And the example of Ghirah in the heart is the example of the strength that shields one from sickness and fights it off, so if the strength leaves, he will be faced with the sickness, and will not find anything to protect himself from it, so it will establish itself [within him] and destroy him."

And we pray that Allah makes it easy for us to establish ghirah within ourselves. Ameen

Umm Umar Khaled

Stories were taken from

• Muslim, hadith no. 2395
• Muslim Ahl As Sunnah wa Al Jama'ah wa As Sahabah, 1/245
• Sahih Al Bukhari, hadith no. 6846
• Saying of Ibn Al Qayyim, Ad-Daa' Wad-Dawaa'

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