♥ Guard Your Heart Girls ♥

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Your heart is not a cake, so stop cutting it into slices and giving everyone a taste of it. Save it for the one and only, for the special someone who deserves it and will never get tired of tasting the same cake over and over again.

Chapter 25: ♥Guard Your Heart Girls


Heart is so precious and fragile, and yet so complicated, that there are parts and feelings it holds that are specially reserved as a gift for married couples.

This results in the need for us to be alert and guarding our hearts at all times; primarily, when it comes to relationships.This is especially true for females, who tend to have a God-
given desire to be loved, cherished, protected and understood by an earthly, godly man.

This is not a bad thing at all, except for when we go seeking it from a bunch of
different guys through flirting or relationships, instead of realizing that Allah (God) already fulfills this desire, and only our God-given future husband could help amplify it.

Sadly though, too often then not, girls tend to give out keys to their hearts to a bunch of different guys who they take a
fancying too. Girls give it out to "close" guy friends, guys they have crushes on, and guys that enter into relationships
with. This is so dangerous and destructive to not only you, but also to that special, reserved gift that your heart holds, that God wants you to give only to your future husband.

You see, when you willingly give out these keys to your heart, you allow the guy to unlock your heart anytime he
wants, and to cause you even more pain-especially when the relationship ends. Girls, protect the key to your heart, the key to your wellspring of life.

You have allowed a guy(or quite a few) to see and experience the intimacy of knowing you on that deep of a level, and unlocking that special, reserved gift. By not guarding your heart and by handing out keys to other guys, you end up having to experience the pain of that gift being torn apart and mistreated. You become known as "easy" to get, guys brag it up to their friends on how they "conquered" you, you feel like you've lost your value, you feel guilty for neglecting to guard your heart, you feel used, you may get depressed, you may lower your standards and morals; the list of emotions and actions that you may experience as a result is endless and varies for each girl, yet one thing is
certain-all girls will feel hurt.
Are you watching...

1. What You Say:

Are you waiting to say "I love you" until you hear it, and can earnestly say it in return, and feel as though this person is "the one" from God? Are you telling boys about your secret hopes and dreams, your deep,intimate, personal thoughts? (such as your wedding dreams, ways that a guy could win over your heart, etc)

2. Your Physical Contact:

Are you guarding your interaction with the opposite sex? Are you giving out too many front-on, tight, long hugs , friendly, side hugs? Are you saving your kisses for someone who actually deserves
them, someone you are serious with, or are you kissing another girl's future husband?

3. How You Conduct Yourself:

Are you being flirtatious and constantly trying to be the center of attention around guys, or are you protecting yourself, respecting your future husband, and helping to protect the hearts of the guys around you? Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, and tend to be a "pity and protect me" type of girl, instead of a girl who is looking out for others, and whose Protector is God?

4. What You Think:

Are you hoping that this guy you like will ask you about something so you can spill your heart out to him? Do you imagine and fantasize about situations in which this specific boy wins your heart, protects you, cherishes you, has "deep, emotional conversations and contact with you" etc?

Girls, you are precious like jewels; Allah (God) loves you so much! He does not want to see you go through such unnecessary pain, but instead wants to help protect your heart. When you surrender the master key of your heart over to Allah (God), He will protect it, not allow anyone to abuse it and will only hand it over to "the one" He has hand-picked out for you.

May Allah(SWT) protect and bless us and guide us all to find a good husband. Join me to say AMEEN‪ ♥

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