Every Day is Women's Day in Islam

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Lead a such a life that. When you die. The people may mourn you. And while you are alive they long for your company.

Chapter 29: Every Day is women's Day in Islam

Happy Women's Day! :D


WARNING : Please don't make stupid comments about not celebrating women's day. No one's asking you to celebrate it. But for those who do want to celebrate this day, reading about the lives of these pious women would be a great source of empowerment for us all. Hold back your hatred and knee jerk reactions.

•~She is Khadija : The first to accept Islam, a successful business woman a supporter to the early development of Islam ,a philanthropist, I

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•~She is Khadija : The first to accept Islam, a successful business woman a supporter to the early development of Islam ,a philanthropist, I.e the first wife of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).

•~She is Maryam : A virgin that give birth to prophet Isah (Alaihissalaam),
she sweeps and clean masjid day and night, She submitted herself to ALLAH and a surah in the Qur'an is named after her Suratul Maryam .

•~She is Aisha : The beloved wife of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam). A devoted worshipper an educationist, scholar and a teacher of the science of hadith youth as she was, she was highly generous in memorization of qur'an and hadith .

•~She is Asiya : A woman of unshakable Imaan (faith), Foster mother of prophet Musa (Alaihissalaam).A wife to a rich, powerful and dictator king fir'aun but yet full of wisdom.
She forsake materialism and chosen ALLAH and the Hereafter.

•~She is Ummu Ammar(summayya ) :The first woman to embrace Islam outside the family of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam),
Thefirst Muslim to be matryed.

•~She is Ummu Sulaim : One of The military woman who fought at the battle field while she was pregnant during the time of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam). .

•~She is Fatima : daughter of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).an obedient wife and caring mother,a nurse and a doctor Who treated the injured and wounded at the battle field during the time of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam) .

YES: Women are proud, they are too

Why? Because in The Qur'an, ALLAH named a surah after women.
Surah An-Nisah (The chapter of women)


To trace out the character of a feminine, being one is perhaps intricated. However i am well contended to be born a female,certainly, in the arms of Islam.

'Islam', portrayed the persona of a woman nearly 1400 years ago, in the Holy Quran. She has been the centre of attraction since then; when a girl was born, she was buried down
beneath earth, women were gravely used as slaves, she was used to lure men, on the whole she, was treated as a worthless creature ever on earth.

But, when Islam spread the word, about how you should be treating a woman, a certain number of good souls apprehended, while others never batted an ear to what was said.

Furthermore, when Islam was widespread,there were numerous women who bestowed their lives for the sake of Islam,for the sake of the Almighty, Allah.

They taught each other about humanity, sacrifice, integrity, peace & an infinite number of good acts which reflects their religion 'Islam'.

In short a woman is such an appreciable, exemplary soul that trods the earths soil,
because she is,
a laugh to your cry,
a hope to your despair,
a right to your wrong,
a star in your sky,
a pearl in your string.

She maybe considered weak, but she is a fortune you'd never ever want to lose no matter what.

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