❌Say No to Valentine's Day❌

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I Am A Muslim And I Say "NO" To Valentine's Day

Chapter 26: Say No to Valentine's Day


I'm seeing Valentines day is soon to come where a lot of evil will be committed, the day when people will ruin them selves,commit evil with others, with mothers (or perhaps future mothers) of others, with someone's daughter, sister or a relative.

Brothers and sisters, Valentines day is an Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who was sentenced to death on 14 February 270 CE.

People practice alot of munkar, wrong doing and corruption on this day and we as Muslims have nothing to do with this concept of Valentines day. We as Muslims are honored the in Qur'ān, we are called the best nation! Will we follow ignorant practices o kuffār?

Allāh عزوجل said (interpretationof meaning):

"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allāh; indeed, Allāh is severe in penalty."[Qur'ān 5:2]

Brothers and sisters, help each other in righteousness and piety instead of oppressing yourself and your fellow Muslim by such sin and aggression of indulging in valentines day.

Fear Allāh, your Lord is severe in penalty ikhwān. Also, any Muslim reading this, should be happy and very well satisfied of his religion because it is a great gift, Allah chose you to be a Muslim and you should not be a weak character ending up following irrelevant things which promote immorality. Indulging in valentines day is indulging in the activity of astray people, and one of the worst things a person can do is to follow the footsteps of the people of the book, so everyone please keep away and guard yourself from Valentines day.A lot of immoral and filthy things are done on Valentine's day.

So beware and don't be impressed by decorations specially in the west on this day, as indirectly, this celebration is to call people to flirt, evil and illegal sexual intercourse. This is the reality of this day, so don't be deceived by some celebrations on that day, for those celebrations are celebrations while being on the way to Hell to roast their in along with devils.

Now as for certain married Muslims with less fiqh, they might say,

"we can be each others valentine and love each other and go out on that day."

I humbly respond,You do not have to love each other being a couple on only that day, when you can love each other every day. But to act special and celebrate on that day, is wickedness, for you are following the footsteps of people of the book.

Do not push your spouses to the Fire by convincing them to celebrate Valentine's day, for it is you convincing them to follow filthy innovations of people of the book.If you love your people, do not push them ignorance and evil, which is you pushing them to Fire.

At last I'll conclude this by saying


"Valentine Lovers"

I urge you all to ponder upon this following Ayaat:

And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah's path. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but a lie.

(6:116 Al-An'aam )

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