Zodiacs in a classroom

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Aries: The 'diva' and the one that wears the latest fashion.

Taurus: The one that eats and sleeps in class whenever he/she wants to

Gemini: The young, cute, and playful one that never shuts up in class

Cancer: The kind of shy and innocent one that almost never talks in class

Leo: The jock that considers him/herself as the best in class

Virgo: The smart and kind of nerdy one that passes most of his/her time studying or reading

Libra: The typical "cute and dumb one". Sticks around with the 'diva'.

Scorpio: The dark one that never talks and hates everyone in class. The one that is secretly planning everyone's death

Sagittarius: The clumsy class clown

Capricorn: The actually normal one

Aquarius: The one that has too much free time and is addicted to the internet

Pisces: The one that never leaves his/her phone out of sight and is always taking "selfies", posting on Facebook, and making hashtags on Twitter.

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora