Random things the signs are good at

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Aries: The 'beep' test, insults, competitions

Taurus: Singing, doing your hair, winning arguments

Gemini: Debates, making fun of themselves, impressions

Cancer: Apologising, video games, writing

Leo: Karaoke, trivia crack, oral presentations, theatre

Virgo: Finishing a book in 1 day, memorising monologues, organisation

Libra: Making cute power points, picking outfits, procrastination

Scorpio: Remembering faces, pretending to hate someone they like, drawing

Capricorn: Being patient with people they hate, finishing homework at the last minute, making teachers like them

Aquarius: Sports, writing, speaking their mind

Pisces: Acting, choosing gifts for Christmas, quick and witty comebacks

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora