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Waffling Through The Revelation

'Good luck for the paper.' Dad said.

'Yeah. See ya.'

Before I shut the vehicle door I heard dad say,

'Dont worry about Halley so much. Just focus on your paper.'

How could I? After I saw her like that last night how could I just forget about it? I didnt know how I was going to do the Biology paper with Halley on my mind?

Knowing that I had an hour more I went to the grounds just to play a bit of basketball or atleast jog around. At the grounds, the girls were playing netball so I just jogged. After two laps around the grounds I saw Natalie at the bleachers eating alone. I thought I'll pay her a visit. She was humming a song when I approached her.


She looked up at me and I sat next to her.

'Yeah, I guess.'


'Not really.'

'How come no last minute revision?' I asked.

'It confuses me so I dont do any studying in the morning.'


'How about you? Confident enough?' She asked.

She offered me a sandwich. I declined. I wasnt really in the mood to eat right now. I know doing an exam in an empty stomach nay not be the best but right now my stomach couldnt handle anything other than water.

'Not really but I am fed up of studying.'

She chuckled. Her brown eyes lit up briefly. She reminded me of Halley and it hurt to see her because all I could see was a swollen face with red eyes. I couldnt stay here. I needed some time alone to get the things wrapped around my head.

'I guess we all are.'

'Well see you then.' I said and left before I heard her reply.

Putting my hands in my pocket, I whistled a random tune and walked around school. I still had fifteen minutes before I had to be at the classroom. Eight fifteen I had to be there, eight thirty the paper starts. As the people passed me doing last minute reading and clearing doubts I realized that each of them had a different story to tell.

I didnt study because I fell asleep. I didnt study because I was too lazy. I didnt study because my parents were fighting too loud. I didnt study because ny grand father passed away. I didnt study because my brother was sick so I had to take care of him. I didnt study because I had a sister who was beaten up and I couldnt do anything to save her.

We couldnt really judge people as to why they did or didnt do certain things because they never really tell us the truth. They are scared of being judged. The same thing that they do everyday. I guess thats how the human psycology works. You dont bother about it until it happens to you.

At the Biology classroom we had to sit in alphabetical order according to our last names. Once everyone had settled down Mrs. Smith handed everyone our test papers. After she was done with giving them out she waited till the clock struck eight thirty and said,

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