Chapter 15 - Bad Timing

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- Bre's Pov

It was damn near 5 in the morning and my phone was ringing without checking the caller I'd i answered. "Breee" Arie's voice spoke throught the phone. "Arie what's wrong" i asked fully waking up. "I'm pregnat" she said "What's wrong with that?" i asked. 'It's not Kings' she cried harder into the phone. I was so confused but i know i had to stay strong for my girl. "Bre I feel so stupid this wasn't supposed to happen what am I gonna do?" she asked me. Honestly , i don't have a answer but like i said I'm gonna stay strong for her. "Look , call the other girls and we can all meet up at Denny's and talk bout this" i said. She sniffled and agreed so i hung up. "Who was that ? " Dante asked groggily."Just Arie she's in her feelings and needs me and the girls" i half way lied to Dante.He nodded and left the situation alone by falling asleep. Throwing on my sweats and Jordan slides with a simple v-neck t-shirt I walked outside. I feel bad for Arie & King. King doesnt deserve this and Arie well she's 'bout to be real lonely.

I walked into Denny's realizing I was the last person to get there. I set next to Drea and waited for Arie to explain her situation.

Arie - I really don't know what to do

Lala - What even happened? What made you even want to cheat?

Arie - That's the thing I really don't know , it was just a one time thing that led to something big. Ya'll rember that night Raheem got shot & all the boys was at his crib.Well I didn't know he was over that for that reason till the next day. That night I kept texting and calling him and he didn't respond

Drea - No you didn't

Arie - Guys I was mad , and I guess I was just being stupid. I was lonely

Asia - Hell yeah you were being stupid you cheated 'cause he didnt text or call back ?

Me - Calm down ya'll , so whos baby is it ?

Arie - ....... Reggie's

Drea - Really ! You let a nigga who don't and never did care about you mess up yo relationship? Back when you with his broke ass I told you 'bout him. Damn you ever listen to me?

Arie - Don't be mad Drea please i need you guys

Bre - We aint even mad Arie. We dissapointed.

Arie - I know don't you think I'm dissapointed in myself to ?

Asia - No matter what we always gonna be ya girls , we just telling you how dumb you were. Lets eat and figure this out a different day ight

With that being said we all ate and enjoyed this food. Before leaving i hugged Arie and whispered in her ear i love you. This has to be hard on ehr , but as her friends we HAVE  to tell her how wrong she was. If we don't who wil?

- Kings' Pov

Arie walked in at like 7 in the morning crying.If I didn't know why she was crying I would of consoled her but I knew exactly why she was crying. But for now ima fake her and see if she confess to what she did. "What's wrong" i asked her as she set on the bed. "I'm really sorry King" she said crying. "What ?" i said. "I'm pregnat ... and the baby's not yours" she yelled crying harder. "The funny thing is i already knew this , you must think I'm stupid. That night i came back from Raheem's i smelt sex! But being the real nigga I am, I waited for you to confess.It took you a minute damn near 2 months." I chuckled. "I"m sorry King i really am. I never ment for this to happen i ment everything i said i lov---" she said. "You don't love me , when you love someone you dont cheat! I put a lot into this relationship all to have it thrown in my face how you think this make me feel Arie" I kinda yelled. "I love you king i really do if i could take it back i would just give me one more chance" she pleaded tryna hold my hand. I yanked my hand from her grasp and stood up. "How would you feel if i got another female pregnat huh? Would you be okay with this shit? " I said looking in the eyes I fell inlove with. "I'm not saying you have to be okay with it ! I'm sorry , I wanna be with you King and only you" she cried. "You sure you aint wanna be with Reggie?" i said. Her eyes got wide , got her! "W-w-w-haa-aatt?" she said. "I'm not stupid i knew you was hoein with him , you must;ve forget ya boy got connections." i said smiling. "Now ima hoe?" she asked me "You tell me ?" i asked her. "I mean hoes do have sex with people who ARE NOT their boyfriends" i said *Smack* she smacked right across my face. I coulda did so many things to her but instead i kept calm. "Get ya shit Arie and get out my house" i demanded. After that whole argument i left. This was to much stress to be dealing with early in the morning ! She already done fucked u my day , i needa smoke. I called Truth since he aint gotta girl ,i know the crew's girls probably know and I'm not tryna hear them ask questions."You tryna smoke?" i asked Truth. "Hell yess" he replied. I told him im on my way and headed towards his crib.

"Damn , dawg I ain't even think she was like that?" he said. "Me either"i said.It was now about 10 in the morning , we were done smoking and now just watching spongebob talking bout are lifes.It felt good to chill with Truth he's a coo ass lil dude.

- The next day

"Tomorow's not promised and I think we should open up some business so we aint gotta fall back on these streets 24/7' i said to the crew (A/N Truth is now apart of the crew) "You right but I mean what we gonna do" Aaron asked. "Shiiit , theres alot we can do .. strip clubs , corner store , clubs , hair salon , barber shop" i said "You got this all planned out huh?" Dante asked smiling. "Yuuup" i said proudly. "We should each have our own business then" Raheem said. "Make ya'll chocies ima invest in the strip club" I said. "Hair salon " Dante said. "Corner store" Aaron said "Restuarant" Truth said "Barber shop" Denzel said "Spa " Raheem said. "This is to make sure we always have money coming in and to keep our kids out the streets" I said. Everyone nodded signalling they agreed. Something changed in me , i realized i dont ALWAYS wanna be in these streets. I want street respect and business respect. I want more out of life.

- Dante's Pov

I"m glad King want us to be set up for our life , he's right tomorow is NOT promised.I picked the hair salon , because I remember Bre saying something about cosmetology school. "Hey baby" Bre said as i stepped inside our townhome. The engagement ring sparkled on her finger as i looked at her , theres no telling when we will get married really. All marriage is to me is a piece of paper , but if my baby wants a big ass wedding then of course ima do it for HER."Hey" i said hugging her. "You knew about Arie didn't  you" I said as we sat on the couch. "It wasn't my place" was all she said . We were cuddling while watching "Sprung". "I got something to tell you" I said to Bre as i played with her curls. "What?" she said. "I'm opening up a hair salon soon.." i said. she sat up quickly "What Dante ?" she said. "You heard me" i said. "You told me you wanted to got to cosmetology school , and this is gonna set up out future as well" i said. "Thank you baby" she said hugging and kissing me. I couldn't even say your welcome she was drowning me with her kisses. I was enjoying it tho.She stopped kissing me after a while only to lead me upstairs , to well you know. We were throught with making love and we layed there cuddled up. Her arms wrapped around my toso and hand playing in her hair. "I really love you Bre" i said. "I love you to Dante you my other half" she said. It made me smile , to know my girl is my bestfriend , lover , partner n crime and so much more. "Whatchu think bout having some lil Dante's and Bre's ?" she asked "It'd be nice , i'd like it" i said. "Whatchu want baby?" she asked me. "At least one of each" i said thinking. "I think were gonna have exactly that" she said smiling. "I wanna name her London" she said . Actually i really liked that name. "Me too we should name him , Dante Jr" i said . I felt her nod. We went into a comfortable silence and then i could her my baby's quiet snores.

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