Chapter 22 - Face It

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- King's Pov

Dante & Bre are having a barbeque for the crew just to chill and spend some time around each other I guess. Actually I'm happy with life right now me and Arie are just friends and somewhat co-parenting. Slowly but surely she's earning my love and trust again. Maybe sometime soon we'll be back to what we use to be , only the lord knows. Reggie's punk ass only seen Caden about 2 times. Caden's about 2 months his bi-logical father isn't even a common face for him. It's sad to know most likely he'll never have that father - son relationship with his biological father. I promised myself to be that for Caden if he ever needs it.

"Baby can you watch Caden while I take my shower real quick ?" Arie asked. She never stopped calling me the names she called me while we were in a relationship I kinda don't want her to either. "You know I will" I said heading to his room. Once I stepped over his crib he smiled at me , I smiled back. Picking him up I began talking to him - You a handsome little man you know ? You changed my views on life , something I never thought would happen. I may not have the same blood as you running through my veins but I'll always be there for you. I love yo moms to but things is kinda messed up between us . She's still mines tho , yo moms will always be there for you to. Both of us love you without a doubt. I've already made myself yo father in my head . It's okay if you don't wanna call me dad its fine but in my heart I'm your dad. Caden listened to everything I said as if he understood , maybe he did. I kissed his forehead and put him against my chest. "That was sweet" Arie said walking beside us. "Well ima sweet type a guy" I said smiling. She wore a stripped red & white maxi-dress with white sandals. Arie looked beautiful Caden brought this type of glow to her and I enjoyed seeing her so happy. "Ima get dressed to" I said handing her Caden.


It's the middle of may & hot as hell ! I dressed in khaki shorts with a gray and blue Nike shirt with my Griffey's that matched. "You look good" Arie said as I sprayed my cologne. "Thanks ma" I said. I turned around falling in love with them grey eyes. She hugged my waist considering I'm taller then her she laid her head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around her waist. I enjoyed hugging Arie it calmed me down and made me escape. Arie was my weed.

Around 4 o'clock it was time to go to Dante's. Instead of bringing Caden in his car seat we tried out his stroller. I made sure little man looked good to he wore a Jordan short outfit with his Jordan socks. Arie made her famous mac & cheese to contribute to the barbeque. If it was up to me I woulda went to Dillon's and grabbed something already cooked. We was the first ones at the house. Bre was now around 3 months pregnant she only had a small baby bump. It looked good on her. She also wore a maxi dress.

Black people never on time Aaron & Drea  weren't here until 4:50 , Raheem & Lala came shorty after that , then here come Asia & Denzel at 5:30. I knew Bre was mad , hell I would be to. Considering Asia & Denzel didn't bring any food either , also because this was her and Arie's first time seeing Asia since Caden was born. "Aye man what took ya'll so long?" Dante asked Denzel. "We lost track of time dawg" Denzel said. Denzel always letting females change him here we go again. "A hour and 30 minute huh?" Raheem asked. "Yes Damn sorry" something was off about him and Asia and I was gona find out.

The men ate in the living room watching re-runs of the game while the women ate outside in the back.

Raheem - Why was you really late ?

Aaron - We barely see you .

Me - Foreal

Denzel - Is it gang up on Denzel day ?

Dante - Nah , its just we seen this before we tryna see whats up with you

Aaron - I mean is you coo ?

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