Chapter 24 - Love .

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- Dante's Pov

Although Denzel did me wrong , I can't help but wanna help him. The others may have gaven up but I haven't. Hopefully when he gets out they can become coo again. But i know my boys and its gonna be awhile before the look at him the same.

- Raheem's Pov

"Ya'll needa talk to Asia tho foreal , cuz i think she doing the shit to" I told Lala taking off my shoes. "Right now i aint even tryna think bout her" she said sitting beside me on the bed. "I'm really getting tired of Denzel , he never strong enough to say no to some shit. " I said thinkinng bout what just happened at Dante's. "He still yo boy tho baby , don't you think you should help or something" she said. At that moment i gotta text.

Dante : If ya'll care I took Denzel to rehab we should see him better in 30 days

That's good to know i thought to myself sarcastically. Denzel gets himself in these type of situations which is exactly why i have no smypthathy for him "Asia's ass ain't gotta worry bout me doin anything for her , she wanna act like that then i don't care im pretty sure she was getting high while Arie was given birth i aint got no respect for that bitch" Lala said shaking her head. I chuckled and tackled her on the bed. "It was sexy watching you beat her ass tho" i said face to face . She smiled and bit her lip "You know what else was sexy?" she asked seductively. "What" i smiled "When you stood up for me , i always love seein you get a little mad" she said massaging my back. ""Mister Raheem .." she said "Yes Misses Lala" i said. "I's really like it if you decided to show some good ole affection to yo girl" she said in a country accent. "What kind of affection" i asked. She flipped us over so i was ontop. "Whatch me put in work babe" she said kissing on my neck , while unbotting me pants. " I really love you Raheem" she said coming back up to look me in my eyes. "I really love you to Lala" I said to her.

The next morning i woke up naked beside Lala. She was already up starring at me , i would say it's creepy. But i got used to it awhile back , my baby just a little weird. Just how i like it. Once she realized i was all the way awake she hurried and tackled me jumping on me laughing. "Morning baby" she said kissing me. I laughed at her silliness but somehow enjoying it. "Morning baby" i said smiling. "I knocked yo ass out good" she said smiling. "Don't get cocky ma"  I said flipping us over so I was ontop. Lala smiled and I just watched her. "You my michelle baby" i said to her. She pecked my lips and said "And you my obama , now get up so i can shower" she said smacking my chest playfully. Lala got out the bed and i pulled her back on my lap , i put my lips on her neck. "Stop playing Raheem" she said laughing. "Who says I'm playing?" i said. "Were still naked baby you playin wit me" she said. I took advantage and started moving her on me. "Im tryna go half on a baby" I said playing. She quickly turned around to where she was straddling me and said "You started it" before well  you know ...

After round two me & Lala took a shower together. We just stepped in and she was looking at me smiling. "Me & you we good , we go together like burger and fries" she said pointing between me and her. "bonnie & clyde' i said kissing her lips. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso. We made out for a little before she said "Later" and began washing me up while i washed her to. I can honestly say i love Lala Faith Jenkins.

- Lala's Pov

After my shower with Raheem I went to Aries house to see my baby. Caden is such a cutie once he get a little bigger best believe Auntie Lala will be spoiling Mister Caden. I'm sure soon me & Raheem gonna have some little badasses running around to. For now we just chilling , gettin ourselves situated. I knocked on the door and King answered. "whatchu want , oh shit you glowing ! my boy layed it down didn't he?" he said smiling. "Whatever foo , what makes you think he layed it down what if i layed it down" i said walking past him into there house.  "Yeah , Yeah Arie in Caden's room" he said sitting on the couch. I walked upstairs to hear Arie singing Caden to sleep. "hey boo" i said. "wassup" she said laying Caden in his crib. Little man looked good as always.

"What got you glowing?" she said as we sat on her bed. "What ! Girl nothin" i said laughing. "He layed it down didn't he ?" she said smiling. "Girl pleaase ! i layed it down " i said to her. It actually did irritate me when they automatically assumed he layed it down as if the women can't lay him down. "mhhhmm ok girl?" she said to me.

We talked for awhile until Caden was ready to eat , at that i left. Before i even reached my car Bre came to see me. "Sup killa ?" she said smiling. "Girl stop " i said At this point i don't care , she wanna trade some white for her girls then ya'll should already know. I aint fucking with her. Ya'll gonna try and talk to her best believe ima be with ya'll cause she aint gonna be getting smart with ya'll foreal" i said with attitude. "Calm down , and i do wanna talk to her. I'm pretty sure she's the reason Denzel started that shit " she said shaking her head at the last part. "Denzel just can't say no , he knew what he was getting himself into i feel no sympathy for neither one of em" i said irrated. "Look ima go " i said hugging Bre.

I'm not giving Asia nor Denzel any  sympathy for em , everone knows what happens once you start those type of drugs.

A/N Lala & Raheem real as (: i like they relationship , but what ya'll think bout denzel & Asia let me know (:

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