"Ella we need to go, your grandmother is waiting for us plus it's getting late and it's far to drive girl." I called my bestfriend as I grabbed my cell phone off of the bedside table.
"I'm nearly done." She said putting her shoe on as she walked out of the house.
We are finally on our way to the sleepover and damn, we are excited.
"Alea who us going to be there?"
"I actually don't know 'ey" I replied because I honestly have no idea.
The drive to this gorgeous house was filled with the little scenarios we create, they always seem to put a smile on my face.
"Ella, this place tho, it's amazing!"
"It's massive. Where do we go?"
"Heloooo, anyone here?" I called out as we were walking around the house admiring everything.
"In here, to the left, right, straight and then the second right." A voice called out.
"Ella, that's scary it sounded like your brother."
"I know right. I'd die if it was though."
We walked into the room to see no one other than Ella's stepbrother, the flirt Colton Scott and his bad boy but so freaking attractive friends Connor and Tyler.
"Hi." Ella and I said in these little pathetic voices, gosh where did that even come from. I looked over at her and we tried really hard to be normal but we were far from it, don't get me wrong we aren't retarded or anything but when we're together there is no stopping our craziness.
"You girls okey?" Colton stood up with his little pose' behind him making his way over to us to greet us in a bone - crushing hug.
"I can't breathe." Ella mouthed as Colton hugged her.
"I'm dying here." I mouthed back while being hugged by Tyler who smelt so good, I could stay like this forever.
"Oh your stepbrother Ella, always trying to hurt you, in a loving way I guess." I said laughing as she glared at me
"We still love you tho Colt." I said as he hugged me.
"You girls better get ready we're watching a horror movie first." Connor said as he pulled away from hugging Ella.
"Alea we better go change then." We ran upstairs to our room, closed the door and started laughing.
"We're with the bad boys now Ella." I said and we suddenly became serious.
"You don't think anything will happen?"
"No we have your brother." I smiled and turned to my bag to get my clothes out.

Teen Fiction17 year old Alea McCoy is living the life of every shy, insecure teenage girl - trying to find who she truly is. Will she disappoint herself, her friends or her family or will she find happiness and confidence with the help of a special boy?