I heard Tyler's motorbike pull up in front of my house and I rushed down the stairs.
"I'm going out." I opened the door and ignored my mum's ranting, before I got on to sit behind him I told my mum to relax and not to worry.
"Who's party is this?" I asked as we walked into the house with our fingers entwined.
"Oh baby! I've been waiting for you." I felt really uncomfortable when some drunk arse swung his arm around my shoulders and tried guiding me out of the crowd but soon enough Tyler pushed the guy away from me.
"She's taken! So move along."
"I am?" I looked up to him somewhat confused and he nodded his head.
"What if I don't want to be?" I asked smirking.
"Oh you want to be."
"I know." I said smiling, stood up on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss.
"Come babe I want to introduce you to some of my friends." He grabbed my hand and we made our way through the crowd.
"Oh so this is Alea?"
"The one and only." Tyler answered his friend and kissed me on the forehead.
Time went by and I found myself grinding up against Tyler on the dance floor, I guess I had a few shots because my head was spinning and all I could hear was loud thumping.
"Babe you should spend the night with me, I can't take you home looking like this." I nodded in agreement and we left the party.
We got to Tyler's house, climbed out of the car and went inside.
"Where are your parents?" I asked leaning towards him, looking into his eyes.
"They went to my mum's cousin for a few days."
"Good!" I replied grabbing his hand and dragging him through the house, looking for his bedroom.
"Slow down babe." He said as I shoved him onto his bed, putting my hands under his shirt trying desperately to get it off while kissing him.
"Finally." I breathed a sigh of relief after getting his shirt off and doing the same to mine.
"We shouldn't." He said as he stopped kissing me.
"Aww is my bad boy being good?" I asked sarcastically and continued kissing him.
He sat up on his bed, pulled me closer and said," Your parents are going to kill me, you are going to regret it because you're drunk but I love you and if it's what you want now I guess it's what you'll get."
I guess the inner bad girl in me decided to unveil and I just didn't care, I knew Tyler was right about me being drunk but as they say you do what you want when you're drunk because it's your sober thoughts.
"I love you." I couldn't help the words escaping my mouth but they did and soon the kissing was more passionate than before.
I didn't bother letting my parents know that I was staying over at Tyler's, I figured to tell them when I got home.

Fiksi Remaja17 year old Alea McCoy is living the life of every shy, insecure teenage girl - trying to find who she truly is. Will she disappoint herself, her friends or her family or will she find happiness and confidence with the help of a special boy?