I woke up with the worst hangover I could ever ask for, in my own bed. Last I remember I was with Tyler. Oh shit, Tyler. We didn't, did we? Everything is still a blur but one thing is clear, I'm in some pain and it's not just physically.
"Alea, please open the door. I know you're in there." I heard Ella's voice and at that very moment I burst into tears.
After a few minutes of sobbing I unlocked the door for her and she embraced me in a comforting and much needed hug.
"I'm such a slut Ella! I fucked up, excuse the language but I can't do this, how will I be able to look at him again?" I said, positive she could hardly make out what I was trying to say.
"Alea Kim McCoy how dare you call yourself that! Look at me." She said lifting my chin up, "you are NOT a slut! Things might have gone too far last night but you will not let one night, one bad decision and messed up judgment define you, now will you?" She asked giving me a sturn look.
"No." I replied trying to wipe some of the tears away.
She sat down beside me and whispered, "Do you know what we need?" I looked up at her waiting for her to complete her sentence. "We need wine girl!" She jumped up and grabbed my hand dragging me only a few steps before I felt the urge to use the bathroom and I made a run for it.
"Well Alea I guess you'll need to get rid of all that alcohol in your body first." She laughed and I looked up at her nodding before the nauseating feeling returned."I'll go get some movies and popcorn." She said before walking out of the bathroom and leaving me with my thoughts and the toilet bowl, once again.
"Okey just leave me h..." And before I could finish my sentence the alcohol cut me off.
"Should I keep your hair back?" I heard a deep voice speak from behind me. "Colton, what are you doing here?" I tried turning to see him as he grabbed my hair and held it back for me.
"I had to come see if you were doing okey." He replied.
"You really are the sweetest, you know."
"Oh what can I say." He said sarcastically smiling sheepishly.

Teen Fiction17 year old Alea McCoy is living the life of every shy, insecure teenage girl - trying to find who she truly is. Will she disappoint herself, her friends or her family or will she find happiness and confidence with the help of a special boy?