"Can we leave?" I softly asked Tyler as we stood around the kitchen at Connor's.
"Baby we've just woken up, what's going on?" I felt how Tyler could tell that I was about to crack so he grabbed my hand, entwined our fingers and without actually expecting me to answer his previous question we left.
The car ride was silent except for the constant vibration of my cellphone on the back seat - I knew it was Ella, I just didn't have the energy to explain why we left without saying goodbye.
"You're very quiet Al, I don't like it. Please talk to me." He said turning to me as he stopped the car in the driveway at his parents' house.
I sat there once again pretty emotional. "I just feel so confused Ty. I don't know how to deal with everything going on. I'm so extremely happy being with you and I don't want to be with anybody else but our relationship has played such a big role in the change of my friendships, yours too. I spoke to Colton last night and he can't deal with the fact that we're together - I don't want to be the reason you loose your friends baby."
"You mean the world to me Alea, nothing can - scratch that - nothing will change that. I love you! And if that means that I'll loose a friend or two then so be it." His words were soft, sweet and sincere. This really is the boy I need in my life. I climbed over the centre console onto his lap and whispered, "Tyler Bychowski you are the man for me." He brushed the hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear, put both his hands on either side of my face and slowly placed his lips against mine. I could feel my mind clear up as our tongues moved in sync and our bodies alike.
"It's you and me always Alea." He smiled reclining the driver's seat.
"It's always going to be us." I replied pulling away from him, admiring this beautiful human-being I've been blessed with.
After a few minutes we climbed out of the car - expecting to see Tyler's parents, I fixed my make-up in the car's mirror and pulled my skirt right. It's been a few months since I have seen them - they're hardly ever at home because they travel often. As we enter the house it smells like freshly baked cookies and there's a pleasant heat filling the rooms from the fire Mr. Bychowski has lit.
"Darling it's so great to finally see you again!" Mrs. Bychowski wraps her arms around me, giving me one of the nicest mom-hugs I've had in a while and the smell of her sweet perfume remains on my jersey as she pulls away. "You're so beautiful and so grown up, isn't she honey?"she continues as she twist a strand of my hair around her finger and directs the last bit of her sentence to her husband. "Our son has got himself a keeper Marie-Jane" Mr. Bychowski replies walking over placing his hand on Tyler's shoulder.
"Welcome home." Tyler says as he places his arm around my waist and smiles at both his parents.

Teen Fiction17 year old Alea McCoy is living the life of every shy, insecure teenage girl - trying to find who she truly is. Will she disappoint herself, her friends or her family or will she find happiness and confidence with the help of a special boy?